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How do you get rid of a zit before it gets to be a white head

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Treat mild acne by first washing the area with warm water and soap and then apply a cream that incorporates Benzoyl Peroxide..More [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-get-rid-of-a-zit-before-it-gets-to-be-a-white-head ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of a zit before it gets to be a white head
How do you get rid of a zit before it gets to be a white head?
Treat mild acne by first washing the area with warm water and soap and then apply a cream that incorporates Benzoyl Peroxide..More

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how do you get rid of a zit before work? Its red and I already popped it and now my face is swollen….:(?
Q: I popped it a few days ago and its not going away. It looks like everyday it gets worse. Its red and that part of my face is swollen now. Im not even sure it was a zit, it was like a little pimple with a white head and I tried to scratch it off…..no puss though…help?
A: Stop picking at it, once you pop it once just leave it alone. Apply ice on it for a few minutes, and then put a dab of antibiotic ointment on it. This will reduce the size and the redness (it won’t be gone by today, but it will be significantly less red and will be even better tomorrow).
How do you get rid of pimples that are big and red?
Q: Saturday morning I wake up and I look in the mirror and there was a big red zit. I took a bath to let the skin soften and i grabbed an alcohol needle and i made tiny little hole’s so i could squeeze out all the gunk out. I put 2 kinds of acne medication Benzoyl Peroxcide and an acne medication my doctor prescribed for me. This morning i woke up and there was a big white head on it. I grabbed a warm wash cloth and layed it on there for about 2 minutes then popped it and but those same 2 acne medications on. Now it’s still all red and big. I’ve put a warm washcloth on it for about 20 minute and haven’t touched it to make it irritated. Is there any way I can get rid of this tonight before school or even make it less noticeable? P.S. I can’t go out and buy stuff right now.
A: hi i’ll tell you what i do when i get pimples. my dad’s a pharmacists so he knows everything about acne. first wash your face with some kind of cleansing wash so when you pop your pimple, bacteria won’t get in. so when you have a white head and you just have to pop it, don’t push it out. take both index fingers, put it on either side of your white head, and stretch your skin. it will pop, but it won’t leave you skin red, inflamed, and puffy. i used benzoyl peroxide 5 wash too, but i don’t use it on my forehead, because i break out the most there. i use it on my cheeks and nose and chin, because my skin isn’t as oily there and i break out less there. i’ve noticed that benzoyl peroside 5 wash turns your developing pimples hard and makes it easier to pop. on my forehead, i use this hting called scarzone A. it has green tea and silicone in it and make the acne on my forehead dissappear overnight. AWESOME! and when i have a really big and red pipmle thats just been popped or isn’t ready to pop yet. i put scarzone A on it and it really helps. it doesn’t go away overnight sometimes, but it really helps. and by the way, don’t wash your face too much, because that causes your ksin to produce more oil. i scrub my face too; it gets rid of dead skins cells that are clogging your pores and it allows the new cells to come out. it also leaves your face feeling smooth and soft like a baby’s butt and it lasts. scrub your face like once every other day. : ))
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