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Is caffeine bad for acne

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According to some experts, caffeine-containing foods and beverages can cause or worsen acne. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-caffeine-bad-for-acne ]
More Answers to “Is caffeine bad for acne
Is caffeine bad for acne
According to some experts, caffeine-containing foods and beverages can cause or worsen acne. ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is CAFFEINE bad for ACNE prone skin?what if it is from green tea,ive heard that green tea is good for skin?
A: yes! caffeine is horrid for acne prone skin..id stay away…green tea has alot of antioxidents that are great for keeping skin healthy and trying to repair it….do not do black tea…apparently black tea is bad for women…if you are a woman! just stick to the green tea..either hot or cold its delicious and healthy!
can caffeine make acne worse?
Q: I drink 2 cups of coffee every morning and ive really never had clear skin. I was wondering if this could be affecting my never-clear skin. I have a great diet by the way and wash my twice a day. I’m really clean for a guy.
A: It could have something to do with it; you could have a sensitivity to it that could be causing breakouts or cankers. Try going without it for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. If not, then it`s not the caffeine, it`s just hormones.
I was reading that Green Tea helps with acne BUT caffeine which is in the Tea is bad for it… decaf? ?
Q: This is very confusing, please help!
A: Yes get the decaf, don’t use capsule instead of the tea, they have caffeine.
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