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Is it healthy to give plasma

Health related question in topics Plasma .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it healthy to give plasma”,you can compare them.

A:Yes, it gives those with hemophilia and various other immune deficiencies a chance to balance what their bodies are missing. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-healthy-to-give-plasma ]
More Answers to “Is it healthy to give plasma
Is it healthy to give plasma?
yeah I’ve done it. it just smells SO bad when they give you your blood back without the plasma. BLEGH. good way to make extra cash and some places will let you do it three times a week
Do you know if there are any health restrictions when giving plas…?
Yes. Tests will be done on all sorts of things when it comes to you being an acceptable donor. Drugs, family health history, smoking, cholestoral, STD’s, ect.
Why should we give away health care to those who have plasma tvs …?
We shouldn’t give away healthcare. I should buy mine, you should buy yours. Same with rent, same with food, same with financial aid for students. Taking money from one private citizen and giving it to others is not capitalistic or democrati…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it healthy to give plasma?
Q: why so?please explain your views.and how often, if okay?
A: yeah I’ve done it. it just smells SO bad when they give you your blood back without the plasma. BLEGH.good way to make extra cash and some places will let you do it three times a week
Is it really healthy to give , donate PLASMA in your opinion?
Q: and if you give this twice in same week, (anyone know why they prefer this too? if you know?)why so?and how you feel after?does it make you feel like you are tired or depressed?does PLASMA kill toxins in the blood, and therefore a depletion of this would cause a bit of a problem , short term for body and way you feel?please describe and explainbtw, which area of the world are you?thanks for your answers!
A: Some links with the answers you seek, just point, click, voila lolhttp://www.biolifeplasma.com/html/faq/faq.htmlhttp://www.donatingplasma.org/http://www.epinions.com/content_4343963780
is it really healthy to give , donate PLASMA in your opinion?
Q: and if you give this twice in same week, (anyone know why they prefer this too? if you know?)why so?and how you feel after?does it make you feel like you are tired or depressed?does PLASMA kill toxins in the blood, and therefore a depletion of this would cause a bit of a problem , short term for body and way you feel?please describe and explainbtw, which area of the world are you?thanks for your answers!
A: Hope you can get your answers in the following link.Plasma has many functions, but donating is not bad. Your body eventually replaces the gap. But I am not sure about the time interval between two donations.I am a medical doctor & I would like to advice you to consult your physician (Internist/hematologist) if you suspect some thing fishy about the company (involved in collection).And, I respectfully disagree with some aspects of the other answer(by Kumorifo). Plasma is never just water, it contains several proteins each of them has function & that’s why they collect it. (Nobody will collect water from human body. Simple water is available in several ways!)For Blood donation you need longer gaps (4-6 months), but for plasma donation it may be shorter.And yes, the feelings (little weak, dizzy, thirsty) about donation is right. But they usually recover soon. Take fluids/drinks after donation.
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