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What 2 elements make up brass

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Brass is made up of Copper and Zinc. The Chemical compound is Cu3Zn2. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-2-elements-make-up-brass ]
More Answers to “What 2 elements make up brass
What two elements make up brass?
Brass is an alloy of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn).
What two elements make brass
3 parts copper and 2 parts zinc Brass = 3Cu + 2Zn Thanks and have a good one.
What is Amalgam Brass and what two elements is it made of??
Brass is an alloy, not an amalgam. The term “amalgam” refers to an alloy of mercury with another metal. An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals that often have physical properties that are very different than the individual pu…

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Q: He. N. C. I. U. Li. Ne. Al. Ar. O.———————————————————-And what is the answer to these question 3 What is too soft for most Tools, early people learned that this metal could be strengthened if it was alloyed with tin or zinc. 4The ancient Romans used this metal to make water pipes 5 Brass, a corrosion resistant alloy, is a mix of copper and this metal. 8The ancient Egyptians made black eye make-up with this Element. 9 (Across)A pale yellow material, this element can be found near volcanoes and hot springs 11The cheapest and most abundant of all metals ppl have been using this element for at least 5,000 years 1This liquid metal has been found in 3,500 year old egyptian tombs 2Commonly found as coal or soot. 6Although known to the ancients, this metal was often confused with lead and tin. 7A soft, valuable metal, its purity is measured in carats 9 (down)Frequently used in jewelry, this metal is the best conductor of heat and electricity. 10Bronze, the first alloy created by people, is a mix of copper and this metal.3- 6 letters4- 4 letters5- 4 letters8- 8 letters9(Across)- 6 letters11- 4 letters1- 7 letters2- 6 letters6- 7 letters7- 4 letters9(Down)- 6 letters10- 3 letters
A: Helium. Nitogen. Carbon. Iodine. Uranium. Lithium. Neon, Aluminium. Argon. Oxygen.3- Copper (Cu)What is too soft for most Tools, early people learned that this metal could be strengthened if it was alloyed with tin or zinc.4 Lead (Pb)The ancient Romans used this metal to make water pipes (So did the modern British :D)5 Zinc (Zn)Brass, a corrosion resistant alloy, is a mix of copper and this metal.8 Antimony (Sb)The ancient Egyptians made black eye make-up with this Element.9 Sulphur (S)A pale yellow material, this element can be found near volcanoes and hot springs11 Iron (Fe)The cheapest and most abundant of all metals ppl have been using this element for at least 5,000 years1 Mercury (Hg)This liquid metal has been found in 3,500 year old egyptian tombs2 Carbon (C)Commonly found as coal or soot.6 Arsenic (As)Although known to the ancients, this metal was often confused with lead and tin.7 Gold (Au)A soft, valuable metal, its purity is measured in carats9 Silver (Ag)Frequently used in jewelry, this metal is the best conductor of heat and electricity.10 Tin(Sn)Bronze, the first alloy created by people, is a mix of copper and this metal.
EVILutionists and scientists have been getting wrong for centuries! Creationists find the answer?
Q: The Kansas University of Creationist science for the Saved has received an offer of a $20,000 grant from the DOF to research into a Creationist Periodic Table. The offer is conditional upon a Republican victory, so we are entirely confident and are spending the money prudently and wisely.As no further research work will take place until after February, the following is thus to be considered a work in progress. All the more so, as it has not yet been peer reviewed. Suggestions, amendments, additions are welcome.http://i50.tinypic.com/2qv594i.jpgNotes: Earth Air Fire and Water are simultaneously elements and attributes and modifiers. This is not a simple concept, so you should just accept it.The Genesis Group This is mainly concerned with the basic elements.Brass: There is what I believe to be an errant group of researchers, who would have it that Brass can be transmuted to Copper and another, as yet unnamed, element. However, this is clearly abject rubbish as it is stated in Job:28:2: Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone.Stone: another difficult element. There are those, counted amongst the Godly, who would have it that Stone and Rock are the same things. The argument against is that Rocks are for standing on, issuing forth water and burning offerings, whereas stones are for stoning and obtaining brass. The debate continues, but for the time being they are separate. We hope the research will help here.Brimstone was at one time considered to be a Fire Element – we have found cold Brimstone, so clearly this element is now in the right place.The Exodus Groups I and II:This is composed of 2 sets of element, the first group being used for minor offerings and basic temple and basic female decoration. The second group, being for favored temple, favored female and royal decoration and hence unsuitable for the Unsaved™Ligure: although we have only been able to find one very small example of this element, we are pleased to announce that it seems to fit well with the others of that group.The Later Group:These have been found to be a mixed lot and their properties are diverse – they will become a feature of the study when the Republicans win.The Air and Fire GroupsThe Kansas University for the Saved is pretty confident about these. Incense was a problem because it is cold, but the argument is that it is only incense when it is burned, before that it isn’t.The Water Group:Bdellium needs further research. It seems trees bring up Bdellium from the bowels of the earth, we have found no demonic influence in it, other than it is very difficult to remove from garments and raiment.Wine is the result of water and Divine Intervention. We have considered seeing if it is possible to turn wine back into water but were strongly rebuked by Pastor Deacon who made it clear that any attempt would be blasphemous.Pearl and Coral are supposed to be very hard water like ice but with a greater concentration of Fire so that they do not melt.Snow Water is distinguished from ordinary water by its surfactant properties, Job:9:30: If I wash myself with snow water, and make my hands never so clean; Creationists can benefit by this scientific research. So as you can see, those evil scientists have been getting it all wrong for centuries, this is the true period table of elements.Any materials that should be added?
A: I notice you have “wine” listed as one of the elements. What differentiates between, say, a merlot and a chardonnay? Are they merely different phases of the same element, or are they “impure” wines due to contamination with other elements?
Science Questions ?
Q: PLEASE HELP ME.These are some questions on a take home test.This is for a big part of my grade.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!I’m not trying to be greedy.I just really really need help.I tried to set this up as best as I can.Thank you for reading and please answer with sources.1. Which metal is used to make jewelry?Alkali, Alkali earth, Alkaline, or Transition? (These are the ones I know but don’t know the answer)2. The horizontal rows of elements are called ______?______3. Mendeleev decided that the periodic table should be arranged in order by _____?______4. Available answers to match with questions:siliconbrassnoble gasesboronQuestions to available answers:- Used in making computers ___- Elements that don’t easily combine ___- Mixture of copper and zinc- Used to soften water5. How many elements are found in nature?a. 92b. 52c. 119d. 2196. Elements are arranged, on the periodic table, in order ofa. mass of electronsb. proton numberc. ion numberd. isotope order7. Most of the elements on the periodic table are what at room temperature?a. gasesb. non-metalsc. metalsd. liquids8. Uranium is found in which area of the peridoc table?9. If a normal atom has 25 neutrons, which element is it?10. What is the amu (atomic mass unit) of the element in number 9?11. A proton has 1 amu of mass. TRUE or FALSE
A: 1. gold and silver2. periods3. atomic number of each element4.(jus know the 1st one) silicon is used in making computers5. i think 92 (not sure)6. proton number7. gases (not sure)8. dunno9. manganese (i think)10. 18 (not sure)11. true. hydrogen.i am not sure about sum of the answers. be sure to check on the net.umm and the sources. well i used the net. went to google.com and searched
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