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What causes pimples on your lips and how do you get rid of them

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The number one cause of sudden breakouts around the mouth area is a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal acne usually clears up quickly when you get your hormones in balance so do not be tempted to pick at spots as this can cause infection or scarring. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-pimples-on-your-lips-and-how-do-you-get-rid-of-them ]
More Answers to “What causes pimples on your lips and how do you get rid of them
What causes pimples on your lips and how do you get rid of them?
The number one cause of sudden breakouts around the mouth area is a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal acne usually clears up quickly when you get your hormones in balance so do not be tempted to pick at spots as this can cause infection or scarr…

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Can alcohol cause a small breakout of bumps on your face?
Q: It is Wednesday now, and yesterday, Tuesday, i noticed a bunch of tiny bumps covering my face. The bumps are not everywhere, but mostly on the middlee of my forehead, in between my eyes, a little under my eyebrows, and above my upper lip, below my nose. The bumps are not pimples or blackheads, and you cannot pop them because there is nothing inside. They are simply just small skin bumps. They blend in with my skin, and are most noticeable in the light. I have always had clean, healthy, smooth skin, and this is the first time this has happen to me. IT IS NOT ACNE! Also, I noticed the bumps on Tuesday. A couple days before, on Sunday, I was at my family Christmas party and my dad was drinking a in and tonic. He always dares me to take a sip, knowing how bad it tastes, so I did. My aunt was also taking a shot of a buttery nipple, and it smelled good, so I took the tiniest sip. (it was nasty). I had about a tablespoon and a half or alcohol, but I am wondering, because I havenever hadd any before, if it could cause the breakout. If so, what can I do to get rid of it. Tonight I have a Christmas Eve Performancee and I want to look my best. Please help!
A: You are probably allergic to the alcohol, I know some people who break out with bumps when they drink, and they are allergic.
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