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What foods have zinc

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Seafood such as oysters and sardines, wheat germ, red meat such as liver, beef, lamb and pork, and fish have Zinc. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-foods-have-zinc ]
More Answers to “What foods have zinc
Some of the foods that have zinc in them are Lobster, Chickpeas, and Oysters. Many foods have zinc in them, but a certain amount of food intake of that particular food item must be eaten to get the needed amount of zinc. You can find more i…
Zinc is found in oysters, and to a far lesser degree in most animal proteins, beans, nuts, almonds, whole grains, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
If you are a vegetarian, you will most probably intake less zinc that those who have meat-based diets. Good zinc food aside from meats are dairy products such as milk and cheese yeast peanut ,beans and wholegrain cereals, brown rice, whole …

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Q: I would mostly like to know about zinc, please.
A: ZINCBest Source Foods Beef Crabmeat Oysters Lamb Pork Turkey Brown Rice Salmon Spinach Yogurt Beans Rye Bread Whole Wheat Bread Chicken Clams Lentils Lima Beans Lobster Oatmeal Milk Peas Baked Potato
I Got Man Boobs and what foods have Zinc?
Q: what foods have then because i read that Zinc reduces fat n i rlly dont have Man Boobs my Chest Fat is Making it seem like i do n i need like a list of Zinc Food PLEASE and THank you
A: First of all how old are you.If you are under 18 it is due to pubertly.Its called gynecomastia.It is caused due to hormone imbalance due to puberty and some bodybuilders call it b itch t its because its caused my steroid abuse.Also it could be the fat.If you are under 10% body fat and you still have man boobs or whatever you want to call it its gynocomastia.It cant be get rid of without a surgery.But if you are under 18 dont worry about it.If you are over 18 with low body fat you need to see a doctor.
What foods have zinc in them?
Q: what kinds of foods have zinc in them?and when you give me the list, can you make it WITHOUT any foods from animals? such as roast beef or chicken breast or something.because im a vegetarian, and i wouldnt stop being that just to get zinc. :]thanks!
A: If you are a vegetarian, you will most probably intake less zinc that those who have meat-based diets. Good zinc food aside from meats are dairy products such as milk and cheese yeast peanut,beansand wholegrain cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, potato and yogurt. Of all these vegetarian zinc foods, pumpkin seeds offer one of the most concentrated non-meat food sources of zinc.
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