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What is the cause of random bruising

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A:Some causes are medicines(aspirin), infection(sepsis), bleeding disorder (hemophilia) or malnutrition (B12, C, K, folic acid). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-random-bruising ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of random bruising
What causes random bruising?
There are many reason why the body bruises, the most common one being impact. Many times we can bump something and not even remember and wonder later why we have a bruise. Legs get more bumps than other parts of our bodies. Excessive brui…
Is there an illness that causes random bruising
There are many conditions including liver disease, alcoholism, drug addiction, and AIDS. See you doctor for more details.
What causes random sudden bruising?
the fatigue and bruising is a 100% clear indicator that you friend is anemic. her blood is indeed very thin. It can in fact be a sign of cancer but it could ALSO mean that she has VERY LOW iron. tell her to ask the doctor to give her a CBC …

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What is the most likely cause of random, extreme bruising?
Q: I have a HUGE bruise on my right side. It’s purple, extremely painful, and has only gotten worse over the last week. I also have tons of little bruises all over my legs ranging from brown to purple. It’s beginning to scare me, because I’ve heard some not-so-good things about what could be the cause of this. I’ve also been immensely tired lately.Ideas?I have also been suffering migraines for the past few months.And, no, I have not been drunk recently.
A: You need to go to the doctor, this sounds like internal bleeding, or the beginning of it. It could be something as simple as anemia or something like liver cirrhosis or hemophilia. Don’t try to diagnose this yourself. Go to the doctor.
What causes random sudden bruising?
Q: My friend has developed several large black bruises on her body. This happened over a period of 24 hours, and she is continuing to develop them. She does not think she did anything to cause them. She is going to the clinic today (we are on a college campus), and they tend not be very thorough so I was just wondering what the possible causes are. She said she has also been very fatigued. She had a high enough fever about a month ago to be put in the hospital for 4 days.What could cause this? I know leukemia is one cause, but are there less serious ones as well? Thanks!
A: the fatigue and bruising is a 100% clear indicator that you friend is anemic. her blood is indeed very thin. It can in fact be a sign of cancer but it could ALSO mean that she has VERY LOW iron. tell her to ask the doctor to give her a CBC and have her IRON levels checked. It could be just as simple as taking an IRON supplement. It is very important to get it checked though because it could be something else. Good Luck!!:)
Causes of random bruising….?
Q: I keep getting these small bruises on my calves. They’re usually no bigger than the size of a coin, never hurt, and are very light brown in color. As of right now, I have atleast 12-15 spread out all over my legs. Everything i’ve looked up online talks about vitamin deficiency, and I do take multivitamins on a daily basis so I don’t think that could be the reasoning behind this. Anybody have any ideas of what could be causing this?
A: usually stuff like that, if it persists and has absolutely no other cause, can be caused by a low platelet count. The bruises are called “petechiae” and other than vitamin deficiency there are many scary possibilities as to what could could cause them in your case, and you should definitely try to see a doctor if you can.
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