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What is the disease that causes your blood to not clot

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A:Hemophilia is the disorder which makes blood not clot normally. Hemophiliacs may bleed for a longer time following injury. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-disease-that-causes-your-blood-to-not-clot ]
More Answers to “What is the disease that causes your blood to not clot
What is the disease that causes blood not to clot
Hemophilia (heem-o-FILL-ee-ah) is a rare, inherited bleeding disorder in which your blood doesn’t clot normally. ChaCha on!

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Is this decent? Short Report on von Willebrand Disease?
Q: My sister said I plagiarized this which I KNOW I didn’t do. What do you think of it? I know it’s not perfect but besides that I tried really hard on this so please give me your opinions. I will give points if you tell me.. von Willebrand Disease, a serious bleeding disorder that slows the clotting process. Symptoms of this disease are prolonged bleeding, bruising easily, and frequent nosebleeds. The disease is caused by mutations in the VWF gene which is passed down through generations. The VWF gene is what provides instructions for making a blood clotting protein called the von Willebrand Factor. Without the von Willebrand Factor, blood clotting takes longer and prolonged bleeding can occur which could possibly cause higher chances of fatal injuries when exposed to dangerous obstacles such as those on the ESPN. This disease is divided into three types, 1, 2, and 31. Type one is the most mild case with 70%-80% of all cases diagnosed have. 2. Type two has 4 types including type 2N, 2M, 2A, and 2B3. Lastly type three is the least common and most severe form of von willebrand disease. In this type, bleeding becomes even more prolonged and bruising can also happen more easily even in the absence of injury.Von Willebrand disease is the most common genetic bleeding disorder. While it is not entirely known as how many cases there are, some studies have compared it to a 1 in 10,000 ratio while others estimate a shocking 1 in 100.There is sadly no cure for von Willebrand disease. Thankfully however the symptoms are bearable and most patients with this lead completely normal lives with little or no therapy whatsoever.Bibliographyhttp://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition=vonwillebranddisease
A: Your report and the website both used the words ” bleeding disorder that slows the blood clotting process” this is more than 5 words straight and I could imagine several different ways to say this. Thus this qualifies as plagiarism. Also, the report isn’t very good. I would bust you for plagiarism if I was your teacher.
questions about my cat..mysterious, sudden disease,she’s dying at we have to put her to sleep in the morning:(?
Q: my mom woke up this morning to my cat wailing in pain. she was trying to eat but her hind legs were paralyzed. and kept scooting around trying to relieve herself of the pain; she was even grinding her teeth because it hurt THAT badly.my parents immediately took her to the vet..he thinks it’s a blood clot and there’s nothing he can really do about it. she’s close to death and they think we have to put her to sleep in the morning :'(then the vet said around 12 this afternoon, she drug herself to the litterbox and had a large amount of blood come out of her rectum.has this ever happened to your cat? did they die? my mom thinks there is possible hope, but i really don’t think so. the doctor has no idea why she is bleeding, but says it’s not even worth doing tests on because she’ll probably die from the clot (or whatever is causing her paralysis.)i’m sobbing right now. please, someone just help me and tell me if this has ever happened, and what followed these events. i’m pretty sure she’s going to die..but do you think there is any last thing the vet could do?thanks everyone</3
A: Yes, one morning my cat meowed so loudly we went to see what was wrong only to find she could not stand on her own hid legs very well, we took her to the vet and she discover via multiple tests that her pulse was very weak. she kept her for more test, while in testing her her heart and breathing had stopped, they revived her only to come to the conclusion she would not make it through the night. She had passed a blod clot and all of her organs were shutting down. We made the decision not to let her suffer and had her euthanized. It was a very hard decision to make but in the vets opinion she was not going to survive the night and she was in a lot of pain.When we got home we noticed she had defecated on the bed, which she never ever went outside the box. this was confirmation that she was not doing well.I am so sorry but I fear the effects the blot clot will cause your cat do not have a good outcome.putting her down might be the best thing if she is in pain. If they can make her comfortable let them do tests to see if the can help her.good luck
can you help me with my health paper? its about stroke. add info, take out info. thanks?
Q: Stroke is the third leading cause of death in America and the first leading cause of adult disability. Many people don’t know that eighty percent of strokes are preventable. This is partly because they don’t know what the disparity really is or signs to recognize it. There are vital things to know about a stroke, which may mean life or death. Everyone must learn what exactly it is, how it affects the body, risk factors and causes, symptoms, different types of the complication, prevention, and treatment.A stroke, also known as a “brain attack,” occurs when an artery, which is a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart, is blocked by a blood clot. A break in blood vessels, which are tubes that move blood through the body, may cause a stroke as well because a sufficient amount of blood is not being supplied to the brain. This is why strokes are known as a type of cardiovascular disease, there is a disorder in the vessels ability to deliver blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the brain. When the brain doesn’t get the blood it needs, it starts to die. As brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost. These abilities include speech, movement and memory.How a stroke patient is affected depends on the intensity of the stroke, the part of the brain that was affected, and how bad that area was damaged. These things vary with each of the different types of stroke. There is blood clotting that is normal, and beneficial. When you are bleeding from a wound, blood clots work to slow and eventually stop the bleeding. In the case of stroke, blood clots are dangerous because they can block arteries and cut off blood flow. This is called an ischemic stroke and it can occur in two ways: embolic and thrombotic strokes.In an embolic stroke, a blood clot forms somewhere in the body and travels through the bloodstream to your brain. Once it is there, the clot eventually travels to a blood vessel small enough to block its passage. The clot lodges there, blocking the blood vessel and causing a stroke.In a thrombotic stroke, blood flow is impaired because of a blockage to one or more of the arteries supplying blood to the brain. The process leading to the blockage is known as thrombosis and can happen in two ways. Blood-clot strokes can also happen as a result of unhealthy blood vessels clogged with a build up of fatty deposits and cholesterol. The body responds to this as if it were a bleeding wound and forms clots around it. Another type of stroke is a hemorrhagic stroke. It is caused by the breakage or “blowout” of a blood vessel in the brain. It can be caused by a number of disorders, which affect the blood vessels, including long-standing high blood pressure and cerebral aneurysms, which is a weak spot on a blood vessels wall. There are two types of a hemorrhagic stroke. Intrecerbrel hemorrhage is where bleeding occurs from vessels inside the brain, mainly caused by high blood pressure. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is when an aneurism bursts in a large artery on or near the thin, delicate membrane surrounding the brain.The risk factors of stroke are wide. Anyone can have a stroke. A person’s chance of having a stroke increases as they meet certain criteria. The risk factors are: if you are male, over the age of fifty-five, African American, Hispanic or Pacific islander, or you have family history of stroke you are at risk.If you can catch the signs of a stroke early, there is a chance of little damage to the brain and a quick recovery. Some common symptoms of stroke are sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arms or legs especially on one side of the body, sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding, sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes, and sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination. Women often report that they feel sudden pain in the face and limbs, sudden hiccups, and nausea.As stated, eighty percent of strokes are preventable. Some guidelines to follow to ensure that a stroke is not in your future are: know your blood pressure, stop smoking, drink in moderation, find out if you have family history of strokes, eat foods with lower sodium and fats. One of the biggest things is to know the symptoms of stroke. If you feel any of the symptoms, call 911 immediately before too much damage is done to your brain by the lack of blood. It is also believed that Aspirin can reduce your chances of a stroke. Aspirin is a blood thinner, and if taken blood may thin enough to get around a clot or blockage. The obstruction may even be diminished.After a stroke, rehabilitation is the most important part of recovery and treatment of a stroke. Through rehabilitation, you relearn or regain basic skills such as speaking, eating, dressing, and walking. The program helps you regain your independence after suffering handicaps due to the stroke. Rehabilitation starts as soon as possible after the complications in the hospital. In patients who are stable, rehabilitation starts in as little as two days. After learning about stroke living a healthy lifestyle, knowing your family history, knowing the symptoms, and acting fast in the case of a stroke, can save your life. These things help to ensure little to no permanent damage and a quick recovery.
A: a lot a good info here, you did your research!…in your second paragraph though, you incorrectly state that arteries carry blood to the heart…arteries in general carry blood away from the heart…how about the wording “…occurs when an artery that carries blood to the brain….”and when talking about aspirin, maybe say something about asking your doctor about taking aspirin to reduce your chances…you don’t want to encourage anyone to begin aspirin therapy without their doctor’s advice…and your final sentance about ensure little to no perm damage…since despite doing and knowing all the right things, some strokes still may lead to severe perm disabilties or death, maybe change your wording to these things help to minimize life altering disabilites…the recovery is seldom quick, and many times does not lead to a full recovery, but a highly functional recovery….
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