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What is the genetic disorder where you only have 1 genetic disorder

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A:Hemophilia is an X-linked genetic disorder, which means that it’s passed from mother to son on the X chromosome. If the mother carries the gene for hemophilia on one of her X chromosomes, each of her sons will have a 50% chance of having hemophilia. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-genetic-disorder-where-you-only-have-1-genetic-disorder ]
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What is the genetic disorder where you only have 1 genetic disord…?
Hemophilia is an X-linked genetic disorder, which means that it’s passed from mother to son on the X chromosome. If the mother carries the gene for hemophilia on one of her X chromosomes, each of her sons will have a 50% chance of having he…

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I’m paranoid I have Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Do my symptoms suggest I may have it?
Q: I’m extremely concerned that I may have this genetic disorder. I have a few of it’s symptoms, not all, but the main reason why I’m concerned is that I have enlarged breasts, which I understand is the most common symptom. My testicles however are not small, although it’s difficult to know exactly what their size should be considering I’ve never seen another man’s testicles in the flesh before to compare them to. From reading various symptoms on the internet concerning testicles, many websites describe Klinefelter’s patients as having grape-sized testicles. I can confidently say they are not the size of a grape, however having looked at images on the net, they’re not as large as some that I’ve seen. I’ve compared them to an Orchidometer on the net and they’re roughly 18 ml. Also my testicles don’t distend lower than my penis (which apparently they should), only in warm temperatures do they distend slightly lower to the same level as my penis. Having said that however my penis is by no means small, flaccid or erect. I’m also quite tall, just over 6 ft and taller than anyone else in my family. Both my male cousins are my height however. My arms, in my eyes at least, are long, although I suspect they may look longer because I tend to slouch A LOT. However when I correct my posture they still look a little long, particulary the lower part of my arms where the radius and ulna bones are, although I’m assured by people that they are in proportion with the rest of my body. My hands are also very large, which may add to the illusion of having longer arms. My shoulders also look a little narrow at times.I have quite a lot of armpit hair, arm hair, leg hair (although there are small patches on both my calf muscles) and facial hair (although it’s quite sparse and looks more like pubic hair unfortunately. Also the facial hair doesn’t connect together, it looks a lot like Heath Ledger’s when he had facial hair in fact. I do have chest hair, although not as much as other guys. I have hair that grows on my sternum and my stomach, and have a snail trail, but nowhere else on my torso. I also have quite a lot of pubic hair, which also grows on my scrotum as well.I also understand that men with Klinelter’s are apparently disinterested in sex. I myself am a virgin, however I feel it has more to do with my poor self-image and enlarged breasts rather than being disinterested. I tend to masturbate 5-6 times a day, 1-2 when I’m having a busy day.As I understand it there are also XXY mosaics, which show less symptoms than regular XXY. Is it possible I could be XXY mosaic if not XXY? Please excuse the amount of detail I’ve put into my question, it’s just something that I’ve been extremely anxious about for quite some time. I’m afraid to get a karyotype incase my worst fears are confirmed. I’m the sort of person who doesn’t like the whole stigma of having a genetic disorder, and I know that if I did find out I had this disorder, I would take it a lot worse than what most people probably would. Thank you in advance.
A: It is possible that you have Klinefelter’s Syndrome, but without seeing a doctor there really isn’t much that can be diagnosed online. You seem to meet some criteria of the disease, however, many other things could cause your symptoms. In reference to testicle size, Klinefelter’s Syndrome can cause smaller testicles, but the main thing is that it causes a decrease in reproductive abilities. Having Klinefelter’s Syndrome isn’t a death sentence by any means, it does predispose you to other conditions, such as cancers, which you should be aware of. If you’re bothered by your apperance, since Klinefelter’s Syndrome patients usually have a rather feminine appearance in comparison to their peers, you have options such as hormonal therapy. The stigma of having a disorder is no reason not to be tested. Having a genetic disorder isn’t something to be ashamed of, its a fact of life, and something you should inform yourself about to llive the best life possible.Stress can cause a lot of your symptoms (as can depression). Studies have shown that men who have anxiety/depressive disorders can end up with whacky testosterone measurements, and in turn infertility issues, and even weight gain, especially in the chest! Talk to a doctor, sort through your emotions and feards, and live your life the way you want to live it, but not in fear.
Due to the foreclosure crisis and credit crunch, how many of you are on the verge of becoming homeless?
Q: Or know someone or a bunch of someones’ who already are?I know the government doesn’t give a crap about the American people (otherwise–why are they trying to force us to eat a $700B bill to bail out the wealthy elite of Wall Street?), but how many of you know someone who will become homeless because of this crisis?Personally for myself, my wife and I are–yet…we never owned home.Being on fixed income and unable to successfully find work or go to back to college on our own terms, we thought we would be here in our apartment for awhile longer yet.We never once *thought* that we would be affected by the foreclosure crisis or the credit crunch this bad.But over the past several years, we both saw red flags and early warning signs that something bad was coming our way–and we started packing up our things and getting ready.Just in case.But the bottom fell out this year when housing would no longer allow me to continue pay over 40% of my fixed income.I was thinking, “2009 would be our last year here.” But things came to a head a year earlier than planned.And while we were lucky to get a large enough storage unit for our things–we quickly discovered that we were priced *out* of any possible rental unit in the area.We simply had no money to barter, bargin with, or engage on–with any of the complexes in my immediate target range.Even going outside our area of residence proved to be a futile gesture.Rents were exploding by the wayside–up and up. To levels I’ve only heard about rumored in places like San Francisco and checked off in Seattle. (You know: The expensive *posh* rentals some of us can only dream of.)So…we found ourselves in a pickle. One that we quickly tied to what’s going down nationally.As a result, we are going to be homeless in a matter of a week. Our credit checks came back dinged because we didn’t think having such a low amount in collections (less than $500) would hurt our chances of securing even a 1-bedroom unit.We never dreamed that the credit crunch would sweep people like me up and hit me or my wife where it hurts the most.Not once.And because of the way the crisis is playing out, it may be several years before things start to moderate or even reverse itself–allowing us to get a place to live again.Because even the jobs we have these days aren’t up to combatting the level of inflation and COL that has crippled the majority of us working Americans.Despite some of my friends and family-in-law’s insistance that we find work–it’s really bad timing.The jobs aren’t strong enough to mount an effective attack on the outrageous asking prices for rent these days (they never were), and most don’t carry basic health insurance.I normally didn’t worry about that in the past, but now I have a reason to: I was diagnosed with a life-threatening genetic blood disorder only 2 years ago. A kind of blood cancer that altered my body’s ability to properly clot itself properly without going into overdrive.The only way I can control my now over enthusiastic clotting factor is through blood-thinning medications.Which job do you know that would be able to cover me with autotomatic health coverage? So far, I haven’t seen anyone who would.Most businesses health care plans kick in between 60 days after employment and 1 year.My window of viability is only measured in days–while my overall survability is 3-6 weeks.There would be no *way* I could last 2 months or a year without meds or access to a doctor.So getting a job for me has become challenging if not difficult now.For me and my wife, it’s a simple choice: Get a job or die prematurely.Which is more important? I choose life over financial convenience.I have to. I have no choice in this matter.But I’ve been homeless before. And it’s not because I haven’t sought to better myself. Things just don’t go the way you planned it. I’ve made some dumb mistakes and decisions–which cost me–but I’ve learned from my past errors.This one…I can plant firmly at the feet of our useless government.This crisis could’ve been *avoided* had the GOP and Bush just stuck to keeping certain institutions and Wall Street regulated and in check.But they chose to *remove* these safe guards in favor of greed, power, and the promise of more money.And now…? We are all paying for it. In way or another, we will ALL pay for this.As I’ve told you mine, what’s your story? How are you being affected by this?
A: I lost my home and just about everything I owned about 8 months ago. I’m a 56yr old woman who no longer has any family to help out. The loss is devastating and being homeless is overwhelming. I never thought this would happen to me. There’s no place to go that isn’t public especially the bathroom. The feeling of not belonging any where is too much to bear. There’s no privacy, no place to shower and it’s hard to find places to sleep without being woke up or harassed by the police. Don’t dare tell anyone you’re homeless cause you’re immediately looked down on and considered scum. There’s alot of homeless people who aren’t bad people they’re just broke people. Some are too ashamed to even contact their families or friends. As far as getting any help through state agencies or human resources forget it….I either don’t qualify or there’s waiting lists forever. Although I come from a long line of native Californians who have paid taxes here all their lives it just doesn’t matter. The only help I got is food stamps which I’m thankful for but they don’t cover hot foods and I’ve had no facilities to cook food on. I even wrote my Governor and his only solution to the problem is about 10yrs away. You can’t get a job without a address and you can’t get a address without a job! The only help I’ve been able to get was through the churches even though I haven’t attended any of them. They’re also the ones who have helped me get this rv . I now attend church You won’t see any of those people from Wall St. out here in the streets nor will you see them try to help the people they put out of their homes into the street. Of course the goverment is gonna help the one’s who are responsible for this but they won’t help the victims who are the American people.This all happened suddendly to me without warning and it can happen to you although I hope and pray it doesn’t.
LOGICAL & REASONABLE Women only: please answer this?
Q: I asked a similar question recently but decided to reduce the scope of the question. I am 24 – never been married but have had numerous girlfriends.Secondly, I am NOT interested in your religious/moral point of view in what I am proposing. I will be operating TOTALLY within the law. I AM interested in a strategy on how to phrase my proposal and what a woman who can be REASONED with would accept.In my first question, I originally had a “hedge” to handle the situation where the high-risk, high-reward strategy I will outline below does not come to fruition. I will decide on how to hedge that situation – I am no longer soliciting advise there.I go Saturdays to a massage therapist, “Debbie” who is 29 and has had a bad run of luck with a stillbirth a couple years ago and a divorce a year ago and being laid off in another industry right after her divorce. Anyway, in a platonic way we have discussed our dates and so forth. She was feeling down after her boyfriend left her and one thing lead to another and we have been going out. I usually take her out to eat on Saturday night and she spends the weekends with me and leaves on Monday morning. She is mellow and pleasable (she likes my gourmet cooking) and we both we almost hallucinating about warmer weather and the ability to stroll and bike – which we have been doing. I am buying us rollerbaldes today and we will try them out on Sunday.During our platonic period she told me she wants children but sees hope there fading away. She is 29.Anyway, I am thinking of marrying her but have two major concerns: 1) Her prior stillbirth – if this is repeatable then she will be childless. I eventually want children – if I had my druthers this would be in the future, but with her being 29 the clock is ticking louder and louder. So the time is now. 2) Woman once they hit the age of 29-30 have an increased liklihood of producing children with genetic abnormalites like trisomy 21 (a disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome). I simply don’t want my life saddled with a situation like that. Other people have dealt with it blah blah ….I dont want to hear that. I have decided what will work for me – not other people.SOOOO… I am thinking of a pre-marital contract. In an ideal world, we would get married after mission accomplished – but she does not have health insurance, so if we marry she can be on my insurance and I can structure the contract to annull the marriage in the event we do not obtain the desired outcome.Anyway, the terms and conditions I was thinking of include meeting the following milestones or marriage is annulled:1) Pregancy in a reasonable period of time ( I will seek medical advise for the timeframe ).2) Chromosomal Karyotyping for gross chromosomal issues by aminocentisis and later high resolution ultrasound. Termination of pregancy in the event of major issue detected.that is pretty much it. I figure I can slowly bring up issues over a 5-6 week period of time and feel her out before proposing.Any advise of how to phrase it?Can a woman be REASONED into doing this? If you object to my overarching strategy – maybe do not reply. I personally think it is more hypocritical NOT to get the issues on the table beforehand and then divorice afterwards all because YOU DID NOT TAKE THE TROUBLE to discuss and mutually agree upon what is important to you. I am taking the trouble and the putting forth the effort. IMHO.Actually marriage IS a business relationship. My parents negotiatied their marriage (while they both were married to someone else BTW) – it lasted 28 years until my father died.Actually this weekend we discussed a LOT of things and she is in agreement. She knows something is up and asked me to get to the point next weekend – which I will do. I am in love – I view this as like an insurance policy.MK – I too am the product of older parents – my father was 61!!! when I was born and my mother 35. I am jealous of the love in your family, my brother is 10 years older than me and my sister 12 years – I really never connected to them.7 kids! Is that enough???
A: I took my time to read your question so now I’m going to give you an answer whether you like it or not. It’s great you want to marry her but, I just get the impression you don’t really love her. The way you talk about her is as if she were an object whose only purpose was to satisfy you with kids. I’m 17 myself and so you probably think I know nothing but I’m the oldest of 7 kids and my parents marriage has lasted 19 years. Marriage is really trampled upon in our society because people think divorce is the easy way out. What part of for better or worse and til death do us part do people not understand? It’s great you want to have kids especially within the bonds of marriage. Children are gifts from God whether they are disabled or not. I can speak first hand because my youngest brother is severely autistic, has seizures, hypothyroidism, mild cerebral palsy…etc…Let me tell you, every person who meets him is touched by him and he is only 4! He is such a source of joy!. Being a special needs child allows him to retain such an innocence and he is always smiling. And I understand how you do not think you could deal with a child if they were special needs but this is before you have met your child. Your child is your flesh and blood and there is no way you cannot have some attachment to them. You will be the father of that child and no one else holds that position other than you. If it is really that big of a deal give your child up for adoption because there is some couple out there who can’t wait to have a child even if they are a special needs. And if you marry this woman and she cannot conceive don’t throw her in the streets for it. Adoption is an option. She has more time than you realize. My mom’s last pregnancy was at 40 and her sisters have had pregnancies at older ages. If you love her marry her but remember you putting those silly limitations on your marriage is not a good idea. Let’s say she doesn’t fulfill your wishes because she cannot conceive, then you divorce her, think of the psychological and emotional damage you just caused her–again!
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