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What is zinc oxide used for

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Zinc Oxide is a medication that is used to treat or prevent minor skin irritations. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-zinc-oxide-used-for ]
More Answers to “What is zinc oxide used for
Zinc Oxide is used to treat diaper rash, minor burns, severely chapped skin, or other minor skin irritations. The Zinc Oxide rectal suppositories treat itching, burning, irritation and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.
Zinc Oxide is used to treat or prevent minor skin irritations (e.g., burns, cuts, poison ivy, diaper rash).
Zinc Oxide is a medication that is used to treat or prevent minor skin irritations. ChaCha on!

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What is Zinc Oxide Ointment used for?
A: Zinc oxide as such is the most natural and simple and versatile of medicines. It’s been around for as long as people for all we know.Though proprietary brands of products do exist, with no doubt some beneficial additives the basic chemical is one that I would choose if I were to be lost on a desert island.It protects the skin with open wounds or exposure. It does not degrade easily. It is antiseptic and it is cheap.And when I taught in New Guinea it made marvellous face decoration for “sing sings” (traditional dances).
what can zinc oxide be used for?
Q: thank you soooo much 🙂
A: Zinc oxide is added to many breakfast cereals, as a source of zinc; a necessary nutrient. (Other cereals may contain zinc sulfate, for the same purpose.) Some prepackaged foods also include trace amounts.Zinc white is used as a pigment in paints and is more opaque than lithopone, but less opaque than titanium dioxide. It is also used in coatings for paper.Zinc oxide in a mixture with about 0.5% iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3) is called calamine and is used in calamine lotionZinc oxide and stearic acid are ingredients in the commercial manufacture of rubber goods. A mixture of these two compounds allows a quicker and more controllable rubber cure. Zinc oxide can also be used as a filler in some rubber mixtures.
What is the formula for the decomposition of copper II oxide into copper if we used zinc and HCl?
A: Question is ambiguous. Do you mean What is the equation for the decomposition of copper II oxide into copper if we used zinc and HCl?Also presumably you use zinc and HCl to make hydrogen to reduce copper II oxide? Zn + 2HCl –> ZnCl2 + H2SoCuO + H2 —-.. Cu + H2O
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