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What ore is lead found in

Health related question in topics Earth Sciences .We found some answers as below for this question “What ore is lead found in”,you can compare them.

Lead is generally found in ore with zinc, silver and copper, and is extracted together with these metals. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-ore-is-lead-found-in ]
More Answers to “What ore is lead found in
What ore is lead found in
Lead is generally found in ore with zinc, silver and copper, and is extracted together with these metals. ChaCha on!
Why is lead found in all deposits of uranium ores?
All uranium isotopes eventually decay to lead. So, any deposit of uranium ore will contain some lead which has been converted from uranium.     
Where Is Lead Ore Found?
Lead ore is found from the ores dug in underground mines. It is found mainly in a substance called “galena” which also has parts of sulphur and traces of metals such as silver, cadmium, copper, antimony, zinc as well as arsenic. A…

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A: In 9g of 13C there are .692 moles.Calculate the number of atoms in this amount of 13CAvogadro’s number is 6.02 x 10^23 Atoms per Mole. Atoms= .692 x 6.02 x 10^23.The others were too long, so I didn’t read them.
What weight in tons, of zinc is obtainable from 750 tons of a zinc are which is 85% zinc carbonate, ZnCO3?
Q: 1)What weight in tons, of zinc is obtainable from 750 tons of a zinc are which is 85% zinc carbonate, ZnCO3?2) what weight,in tons of chlorinc could be obtained from 5 tons of crude salt which is 88% sodium chloride,NaCL?3) find the weight of lead in 50 lb of lead ore whch s 75% lead sulfide, PbS.4) (a)how many grams of hydrogen can be obtaned by electrolyzing 10 g of water?(b) what volume will the hydrogen of (a) occupy standard conditions? (hint: use the molar volume.) please help me to find this .i need this todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
A: 750 tons x 0.85 x 65.38/(65.38 + 12.01 +(3 x 16.00)) = 332.4 tonsThe last term is the ratio of weight of zinc to total weight for the compound ZnCO3.No2 & 3 are done the same way using the ratios for the corresponding compounds.4] 10 g x [(2 x 1.01)/(2 x 1.01 + 16.00)] = 1.12g H2The second term is the ratio of weight of hydrogen to total weight for water.1.12 g x (22.4L/mole/2.02g/mole) = 12.4 liters at STP.The volume is the weight you have x the volume/mole divided by the weight/mole.
Help me understand what he is saying ?
Q: this is just a little from a old journal, i need help understanding how big the cave (mouth) is hes is talking about, its line #3″ 1) We buried one poney load of silver pig. These pigs was buried just below the rock house at the small creek and water fall with large stones placed over them. 2) French ladies were buried in sand near smelter, the ore was found in a gray stone or rock and contained iron, silver, and copper and lead with a sand stone ledge lying near by. 3) The mouth of the mine is as large as three French Sailor’s hogs heads or barrels and dropping down in the ground.
A: A hog’s head is a large barrell (appx 63 gallons)
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