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Why does Pepto Bismol taste like chalk

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does Pepto Bismol taste like chalk”,you can compare them.

The chalky taste of Pepto Bismol is from the ingredients in the product. Pepsin, bismuth salicylate, and zinc salts are the items that cause the chalky taste. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-pepto-bismol-taste-like-chalk ]
More Answers to “Why does Pepto Bismol taste like chalk
Why does Pepto Bismol taste like chalk
The chalky taste of Pepto Bismol is from the ingredients in the product. Pepsin, bismuth salicylate, and zinc salts are the items that cause the chalky taste. ChaCha!
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