are there any common herbs to help stimulates the body immune system?

Q:are there any common herbs to help stimulates the body immune system?
More Answers to “are there any common herbs to help stimulates the body immune system?
Yes, Echinacea
“Esberitox” herbal supplement, or other forms echinacea, and astralagus.
Take juice of 3 to 4 lemon fruits mixed in one glass of water everyday and enjoy super immmune system. YOu may have some mucous flow through nose and mouth in the beginning, a sign that immune system in in cruising gear.GInger, cilantro are few more suggestions. Cilantro even picks up mercury and other heavy metal stuff in brain, for chelation!
Most notably Rose Hips. But anything with considerable Vitamin C in it will help.
echinacea, cordyceps, lingzhi, garlic
Yes there are herbs to protect a boost you host defense commonly known as the immune system,they would be :Burdock (Blood Purifier)Capsicum (High in Vitamins A, C )Catnip (helps in fatigue and improves circulation)Echinacea (Increasing the body’s ability to resist infections.)Fennel (helps stabilize the nervous system and moves waste material out of the body)Garlic (nature’s antibiotic)Juniper Berries (is used in cases where uric acid is being retained in the system)Hope this helps if not get back to me and I will see what else I can do to help you.William J. McClelland Ph.D. [email protected] drink tea stupid!
Echinacea has been used for years to promote immune system health. My pharmacist recomended it to me when I was having immune system problems.
ginseng tea!
Indian gooseberries have very limited role.
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