Has anyone tried Oxygenated Water?? It is supposed to be very healthy and healing.?

Q:Has anyone tried Oxygenated Water?? It is supposed to be very healthy and healing.?
More Answers to “Has anyone tried Oxygenated Water?? It is supposed to be very healthy and healing.?
What the heck is wrong with the water god supplied to us humans all those years ago?, does this mean that god supplied us water that was no good to use? I think not.
yeah, hydrogen peroxide is what you get.
Great question! OK, here’s the scoop…if it’s bottled, it’s hype. If it’s like the filtering system I use at home, which not only puts your key minerals back INTO the water, but it reduces the size of the water molecules so you get more oxygen [in the water] per “serving”. And yes, it can be very helpful in healing, especially if the pH balance resembles the human body.Stay focused, [email protected]
It’s a gimmick. ALL water naturally has dissolved oxygen. That’s why your goldfish is content in a bowl of water. However, some water may have more than others, like moving water is more oxygenated than standing water.If you drink water that has more oxygen than plain water, it’s not like your body is going to use that oxygen. You probably just have more “gas” (burping, farting).I’d be more concerned with the chemical levels in the water.The BEST tasting water is the one with NO taste; no chlorine, no minerals, no chemicals. They bubble pure oxygen into the water. It tastes better. Dasani FTW
lol wtf ok i will try it
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