Does hynotherapy work?

Q:Please only answer this question if you have had hynotherapy in the past and feel that it helped you a lot!
More Answers to “Does hynotherapy work?
Yes it does work. I’ve had it done twice before and it helped me to stop eating so much and get full quicker. I lost weight. When you are put under hypnotherapy, your subconscious mind is at work. When the doctor is speaking you are to follow his direction to eat less and get full quicker. I don’t know what you were being put under for, but it does work.
I have had hypnotherapy and I have trained in hypnotherapy. It is practiced by everyone from those with no formal background to doctors and dentists. I have seen people have medical procedures with nothing but hypnosis for pain control.I have seen people be cured of phobias, habits and vices very quickly with hypnotherapy.Hypnotherapy works very well for a wide variety of issues, but, of course, not for everything.You could use it to stop smoking, or get over fear of flying, but not for mending a broken leg or curing Lyme’s disease
2 pts
Hypnotherapy will not work for everyone. Most yes, but not all. To be successful, the client/patient must truly desire success. Because the majority of those who seek out hypnotherapeutic change have a deep desire to succeed, the success rate is quite high. If someone seeks out H.T. to placate another, say their spouse, who has nagged them into it, the likelihood of success is much lower. Hypnotherapy taps into the desire to change, by identifying and magnifying the reasons for the desired change. The techniques capitalize on, and synchronize the logical and emotional basis for the desire to change, and re-set the mind so that the highlighted reasons for change over-ride the reasons for engaging in a targeted, undesireable behavior. Without some desire to affect change, the therapist must rely on implanting reasons for the client to change, which may or may not resonate with the client. When this happens, the outcome is much less predictable.A tell-tale sign as to whether or not hypnosis will work for you is: when someone else yawns, do you find that you yawn as well? This can be an indicator of how open to suggestion you are. Do the techniques work? You’d be amazed at how well they can work. Even if you’re just curious, give it a try. It will be a learning experience! I used it to help me quit smoking, and I haven’t had a cigarette in thirty four years.
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