How can I insist on special tests, i.e. blood tests, tests for food allergies, for my autistic son?

Q:I’ve heard of tests for food allergies, blood tests, and muscle tests on kids with autism. What kind of tests are there? Where can I get these tests? How can I insist on these tests for my son without offending/ alienating his current doctors?
More Answers to “How can I insist on special tests, i.e. blood tests, tests for food allergies, for my autistic son?
Dr J nailed this one. Couldn’t agree more.
If you have a good doctor they will not be offended by your persistance to getting testing done. You can do some diet testing yourself at home, by eliminating food items one at a time for a week to two weeks and documenting the changes is observed. My son has AS and doesn’t do well with dairy products. If your doctor isn’t versed in autism, then I would find someone who is.
Sorry, I don’t know much about the tests, but there are online support groups for parents with autistic kids. His current doctors should by no means be offended or alienated if you ask about these tests…that’s what they’re there for. You should research finding another doctor if these ones aren’t helping, because that’s what doctors are supposed to do.
if they are compassionate doctors, they will understand your need to explore every avenue of hope for your child. tell them you need to have these tests performed for your own peace of mind. if this alienates them, you need to find new doctors who care enough about your well being, as well as your search for help for your child. who knows, you may be right. you pay them. tell them what you want done. if they refuse, go to a doctor that will honor your request.
High April. You may need to find a doctor that specializes in ‘Environmental Medicine’ of ‘Functional Medicine’ to help you with these issues. Some medical doctors, most Naturopathic Physicians, and some Chiropractors have this type of training.The American Academy of Environmental Medicine website ( lists physicians that are board certified in this field.The Institute of Functional Medicine is another source of properly trained doctors. Their website also lists available doctors ( and your son are facing a very challenging issue. You will definitely need to be a strong, outspoken advocate for his needs. The mainstream medical system may resist your efforts, so be strong and courageous and follow your heart’s intuitions.Best wishes and good luck. Have you asked your docters about these tests? And if they have blown you off, you can ask yoru insurance provider……..
His current doctors should be in no way offended or feel alienated by you insisting on these tests. My daughter is Autistic and her whole life was challenge after challenge, and I had to constantly push for everything.I will tell you that there is a direct connection between autism and lactose intolerance….this includes vinegar. When I took my daughter off of all milk products for 2 weeks, (including reading labels on bread etc.), she stopped wetting the bed and her thinking really cleared up. When I gave her a slice of bread that contained milk, she reacted immediately! And of course, wet the bed that night. (19 yrs old). She also reacts to vinegar, which is quite common. This was information I received from her Neurologist who had run many tests on her, and with his guidance, she is improving at an amazing rate.
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