Has anyone heard of Amoils – they claim to have remedies that Heal Hemorrhoids and Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids?

Q:Has anyone heard of Amoils – they claim to have remedies that Heal Hemorrhoids and Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids?
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Valerian tea at night and Pau Darco tea inthe morning if this isn’t sufficient then also include St.Johnswort If you still have problems go to your Wholistic Practitioner who’ll know what to do!
no but preperation H helps a lot.
There are two types of haemorroids, internal and external. External can be dealth with quite easily with any number of remedies that can be bought over the counter at your local chemist. Much as it pains me to say it, the most effective thing I’ve found so far are suppositories from Anusol or Germaloids which contain two main ingredients, local anesthetic (to reduce the pain) and a steriod (typical hydrocortison) to reduce the swelling.Other remedies include:Internal:Rubber band ligation: a rubber band is placed around the base of the haemorrhoid inside the rectum. The band cuts off circulation, and the haemorrhoid withers away within a few days. Sclerotherapy: a chemical solution is injected around the blood vessel to shrink the haemorrhoid. For External Electrical or laser heat (laser coagulation) or infrared light (infrared photo coagulation): both techniques use special devices to block the circulation of haemorrhoidal tissue. Haemorroidectomy: occasionally, extensive or severe internal or external haemorrhoids may require removal by surgery known as haemorrhoidectomy, a procedure performed under general anaesthetic in hospital.
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