can you give me an example of a personal tragedy resulting from an uncritical embrace of supernatural claims?

Q:”Examples of personal tragedies resulting from an uncritical embrace of supernatural claims, are plentiful.”
More Answers to “can you give me an example of a personal tragedy resulting from an uncritical embrace of supernatural claims?
I had to answer this even though I am not 100% sure what you had meant by ’embrace of supernatural claims’. The reason I wanted to respond to this is to let you know that a friend of mine got mixed up in the occult and committed suicide. This has been over 8 years ago. She tried to get a priest to help her but by the time her family had tried to get the help for her- she had already hanged herself. She thought she was communicating with her Grandma who had recently passed and the voices got stronger and kept telling her to do bizarre things. Please, I beg you, do not get mixed up with any unholy spirit (satan is a great deceiver who can come disguised as an angel of light). May God bless you, sir. May you come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour- His blood is enough to cover any sin. pls see John 3:16. If you do not have a Bible- there are bibles online or I would suggest you find one.
One of the best is Heavens Gate a few years ago. Look it up in the search panel.I notice you are a follower of Randi. Not too wise. Randi refuses to listen to, read or acknowledge any form of rational thought. Listening to Randi spout about the non existence of anything you can’t eat drink, drive or bed is as bad as listening to a TV Evangelist spouting about hell’s fire and damnation if you miss the collection plate. Find some one a bit more objective and middle of the road.Vaya con DIOS
If you want a truthful answer to your question I suggest you read the Bible and see what it says about Satan ruling this world you won’t need to go into history evil is all around us all of the time I have studied the bible for 20 years and can translate most of it.Gloria(BSYA)[email protected]
This isn’t a personal story but a tragically funny one…KIEV, Ukraine – A man shouting that God would keep him safe was mauled to death by a lioness in the Kiev zoo after he crept into the animal’s enclosure, a zoo official said Monday.“The man shouted, ‘God will save me, if he exists,’ lowered himself by a rope into the enclosure, took his shoes off and went up to the lions,” the official said.“A lioness went straight for him, knocked him down and severed his carotid artery.”Another tragedy could be the Catholic Church teaching poor Africans that the use of condoms is a sin. Millions of Africans are infected by HIV. This is simply genocidal stupidity. I’d say the Salem witch trials may fall into that category. How about the Crusades?
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