What would cause a childs fingernails to fall off when they havent been smashed?

Q:my grand daughters finger nails are falling off as if they have been smashed and there has been no damage that we know of to cause this
More Answers to “What would cause a childs fingernails to fall off when they havent been smashed?
ummm i don’t no but that is wierd
Knowing her age and overall health/nutrition status would be useful.However, if the nails first started by rising/separating off the nail bed then it could be a fungal infection. If it was a faster process then there might be a circulation issue or self abuse.
maybe she’s been biting themmy friend’s fingernail fell off because it was too short and it couldn’t stay on right.eeeww. it was gross
i would think a severe lack of nutrients or poor circulation caused by anemia maybe. however, my sons nails are extremely thin and his pediatrician has said that nutritionally he is fine but it is possible it is something he has inherited that is recessive in his father or myself. you should have him checked immediately
nail infection?
occasionally sticking it in the dogs mouth
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