What’s the best way to protect the upper digestive tract while taking antibiotics/antivirals?

Q:Besides probiotic supplementation, what other natural supplements/treatments would be useful to take to prevent acid, irritations and yeast overgrowth without nullifying the effect of the medications?
More Answers to “What’s the best way to protect the upper digestive tract while taking antibiotics/antivirals?
Drink milk when you take a dose. It will reduce the acid content in you tract. Do not take antacids, they will reduce the effects of the antibiotic.
Inulin – its a PREbiotic rather than a probiotic – it encourages good bacteria to grow, as probiotics aren’t actually that effective.
None and I studied nutrition for years call a naturopath!
Drinking plenty of water with any medication will help to prevent gastroesophageal ulcers (sores in your esophagus). Yogurt contains a natural bacteria called acidopholus — this bacteria is anti-yeast. If you eat yogurt while taking an antibiotic, it will decrease your risk of a yeast infection.The calcium in milk, butter, ice-cream, and yogurt (or, a calcium supplement, anti-acid/tums/rolaids) will decrease the absorption of several different antibiotics — it’s important to keep the antibiotic level stable — take the medication at the same time . . but, be sure that if you’re having calcium containing substances that you have them one hour before or after the antibiotic — doing so will help ensure that the apropriate level of medication is absorbed. Eat yogurt each time you take the pill.
Alot of doctors will tell you to drink milk or lots of water. Iagree with this, but I have also found that if you eat fruits (watermelon, cantelope, peaches, grapes, and berrys’) this is very helpful in your digestive system. The water that fruits contain helps flush acids and other unwanted chemicals in your body.
have these after your meals unless one odd has been prescribed to be taken otherwise
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