Can anyone give me advise on how to get through Nursing School?

Q:Can anyone give me advise on how to get through Nursing School?
More Answers to “Can anyone give me advise on how to get through Nursing School?
Not that I’m an expert, but after putting a wife and daughter through nursing school, I do have some knowledge. You have to be organized and dedicated. Be prepared to miss out on some of life’s more enjoyable things for the next 4 years, but keep in mind that you will have that license for the rest of your life and have the ability to help countless people who depend on you. Find a quiet place to study, and do it constantly. Congratulations, nursing is an extremely Noble calling, not everyone that is a nurse understands that.
Patience and perseverance.Always keep the end goal, that of YOU being a NURSE, helping others in your mind’s eye.Great vocation. Great career. Great future.Go for IT.Best wishes.
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