Has anyone heard of snake oil, homeopathic use to cure different conditions.?

Q:if so where can you get it can it be ordered on the internet?
More Answers to “Has anyone heard of snake oil, homeopathic use to cure different conditions.?
Yeah. Anything called “snake oil” means it’s a fraud as in “Snake Oil Salesman”. It can treat a variety of conditions as well as it can treat one: not at all.These guys used to travel all over the country (and Europe as well) in little wagons (like the “wizard” Dorothy meets at the beginning of The Wizards of Oz) selling junk in a bottle to any schmuck stupid enough to buy their sales pitch.Now they’ve got the Internet.Homeopathy is highly controvesial and has NEVER withstood a single scientific study – the results reported are always anecdotal and never consistent.Save your money and reseach your specific conditions on reputable sites or, better yet, find a good doctor who’ll work with you to get you healthy.
it’s said to be use for joint conditions and you can get it online on amazon.com or www.snakeoilproductions.com
“snake oil” is slang for a scam, it means it doesnt work. the person saying snake oil cured a lot of diseases was probably being deragatory to alternative medicines (and many of them actually are “snake oil” treatments)
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