What effects does catnip have on humans?

Q:What effects does catnip have on humans?
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I can honestly answer this question: None. There’s a funny story behind it. About twenty years ago around the holidays, my brother sent a huge carton with Christmas presents for everybody. My brother, my sister, and I opened the carton and unloaded the presents. At the bottom, we found a small baggie filled with a familiar-looking herb. My brother fetched some rolling papers out of his car, and immediately began to twist one. About that time a buddy of mine (kind of clueless, but still a good guy) came by, and wanted part of our newfound bonanza. So as we passed the doobie around, we realized it was pretty indifferent weed. In fact, my sister said “You know, I don’t feel anything.” But my buddy said, “You’re kidding. This is great s***.” So we wound up smoking the rest of it, without results. Christmas morning rolls around, and my brother calls from New York and asks, “Hey, did everybody get the presents?” And we all say, “Yes, great presents, etc. etc. etc.” Then he asks, “Did the cat get her catnip?” And we were silent for a moment, looked at one another, then burst out laughing. We laughed for ten minutes. Every year at Christmas, we tell the family saga about smoking the catnip. And, no, it has no effect on people. We didn’t bat the curtain strings. We didn’t curl up and sleep in a shaft of sunlight on the floor. It just had no effect at all. None.
Catnip is used for anemia, as a stimulant,, Bronchitis, Cancer, Colic in infants, Common cold, Diarrhea, Fever, For mind altering effects (when smoked), Headache, Hiccups, Hives, Indigestion, Insomnia, Intestinal gas, Lack of menstruation, Muscle spasms, Painful menstruation, ?Restlessness, Toothache, and to Induce sweating. Another effect that it has is that it is a sedative to humans. I use it in teas for My daughters to help them wind down at night.
i jump up and down and don’t know why!! It facinates us by watching how our cats react to it. Other than that I’ve no clue.
Ok you have to give the points to paperbook_writer. That story is too funny. Used as a tea it will help you (person/human) fall asleep.
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