Does anyone have a natural remedy for seborrhea dermatitis?

Q:Does anyone have a natural remedy for seborrhea dermatitis?
More Answers to “Does anyone have a natural remedy for seborrhea dermatitis?
Go to a doctor and get some medicine. “Natural” or herbal remedies can actually do more harm than good. They can delay the time it takes for you to get actual medicine. Also, since most so called “natural” or herbal remedies aren’t tested and regulated by the FDA they may contain harmful ingredients. If they do help then mostly it is a case of placebo effect. Seborrhea, a form of eczema, is a skin condition that produces a reddish rash with greasy, yellow crusts. It is caused by skin glands producing too many oily secretions (sebum).The rash may appear on many parts of the body. On the scalp, seborrhea most often occurs in babies younger than 2 months and is known as cradle cap. Babies may also get the rash in the diaper area. People of all ages may get seborrhea on the face (especially the eyebrow area and skin folds between the nose and mouth), ears, breasts, underarms, and genital area. Seborrhea can be treated with a variety of creams and skin care methods. Baby oil, mineral oil, or petroleum jelly to loosen scales and lift crust. After that has set for a couple of minutes get wet and use a soft bristle brush (or toothbrush) and baby shampoo to wash away crust. Try fine tooth comb to help lift scales. Source(s):Nurse “Soybean (Glycine max) and other foods containing biotin. While there seems to be some biotin in just about all plants, my database reveals some standouts. Soybeans have the most, followed by garlic, American ginseng, oats, barley, Asian ginseng, avocado, cottonseed, alfalfa, sesame, corn, fava beans and elderberry.Lamentably, my database can’t provide the whole story, because science just doesn’t know all that much about the biotin content of plants. That’s due to the amazing fact that no one has ever been funded to do detailed analyses of the minor constituents of all those fruits, nuts and veggies that the government is urging us to consume. (You might want to contact your Congressional representative to request funding for more detailed nutritional studies.) Burdock (Arctium lappa). Seborrhea often responds to massaging burdock root oil into the scalp, according to Rudolf Fritz Weiss, M.D., the dean of German medical herbalists and author of Herbal Medicine.Celandine (Chelidonium majus). I learned about this one from Edward E. Shook’s Advanced Treatise in Herbology. Shook maintains that celandine works not only for dandruff but also for dry skin, hives, corns and warts.Using celandine to treat dandruff involves brewing up an herbal scalp rinse. Into six cups of water, place one teaspoon of potassium chloride (available at supermarkets as a salt substitute). Heat and stir until the potassium chloride dissolves. Then chop four ounces of fresh celandine and add it to the solution. (If fresh celandine isn’t available, you can use a half-cup of the dried herb instead.) Let stand for two hours, then boil slowly for 20 minutes. Strain the plant material out and simmer, reducing the liquid to 11Ž2 cups. Add eight ounces of glycerin and continue simmering, reducing the liquid slowly to two cups. Strain the result, bottle it and store it in cool place. Use it once or twice a day as ahair rinse. comfrey (Symphytum officinale). Allantoin, a chemical in this herb, has anti-dandruff properties, according to Hunting’s Encyclopedia of Shampoo Ingredients. You might be able to find a commercial shampoo that contains comfrey at a health food store . If not, you can add a couple of drops of comfrey tincture to your favorite herbal shampoo. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and sesame (Sesamum indicum). Medical anthropologist John Heinerman, Ph.D., author of Heinerman’s Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs, shares the following Egyptian dandruff/seborrhea treatment: Take one to two tablespoons of ginger juice (squeezed from about two grated roots) and mix it with three tablespoons of sesame oil and a half-teaspoon of lemon juice. Rub the mixture into the scalp three times a week. I think it sounds interesting, although sesame oil can be expensive. If I had dandruff, I might give this one a try. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Licorice contains glycyrrhizin, a compound that can minimize the scalp’s secretion of oils,according to the Lawrence Review of Natural Products, a respected newsletter. Keeping oil production down should help control dandruff. You can steep a couple of handfuls of dried herb in a bottle of vinegar and use it as ahair rinse. Plantain (Plantago, various species). Like comfrey, plantain contains allantoin. You could make a strong tea and use it as a hair rinse. Teatree (Melaleuca, various species). Teatree oil, an antiseptic favored among aromatherapists, contains substances known as terpenes that penetrate the top layers of the scalp and carry their disinfectant activities deeper than most emollients. You might mix a few drops into a couple of tablespoons of herbal shampoo. Just don’t take teatree oil, or any essential oil, internally. They are extremely concentrated, and even small quantities of many of them can be poisonous. Scarborough Shampoo. Many herbalists recommend the old standard–one ounce each of dried sage and rosemary infused in two cups of water for 24 hours and used daily as a hair rinse. I think I’d also add thyme as an even more powerful antiseptic. Add papaya and you have the herbal combination made famous by the folk song “Scarborough Fair”–papaya,sage, rosemary and thyme. You can create what I call Scarborough Shampoo by adding a few drops of tincture of each of these herbs to a good commercial herbal shampoo. Vinegar and apple cider. These are both old folk remedies for dandruff. Warm one or both and apply the liquid directly to the scalp, then shampoo.” Oil of Oregano works great for my sons eczema. You must make sure it is mountain grown wild Mediterranean and high in Carvacrol (Major component in Oregano Oil), it must be free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, it must be the real Oreganum Vulgare and it should be easy to administer. Also beware of products that do not specify the Carvacrol level of the Oregano Oil. You should know the percent of Carvacrol level of the Oregano Oil (our current lot has 84.54% Carvacrol level), and you should know the amount of Carvacrol per serving in milligrams (ours is 33.14mg per serving). If they DO NOT reveal this information then you should NOT buy the product. Oil of Oregano has been used for the prevention and the treatment of various conditions with beneficial results. The following list is just a few to mention. Helps in digestion Allergies menstrual irregularities Eliminates Parasites in the intestines Fights the flu, colds, canker sores and fever blisters Strengthens the Immune System Destroys nail fungis Opens nasal passages Used to breath better for asthma sufferers Clears eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis Athlete’s foot. And many different body and hair itching Source(s): Omega 3 fatty acids, Fish oil pills. Reduces inflammation. Make sure and take a multivitamin with the omega 3 fatty acids.
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