The stuff you drink to beat a piss test?

Q:Does anyone know that stuff you buy at GNC so a urine test comes clean from marijuania?
More Answers to “The stuff you drink to beat a piss test?
cranberry juice and water lots of both
How about trying not to smoke weed?If you can’t, for some reason, cranberry juice cleans your system out really well.
Let me help you with this Urban myth. The ONLY, repeat, ONLY way to get rid of Marijuana and Alcohol is time. Scientific fact. Now with that said. I use to be a big pot smoker until i joined the military. So here is my expert advise. Depending on how much you smoke, say 2-3 bowls in one day, it will leave your system in about a week. Yes this has happened to me and I passed the drug test. Lots of water or whatever will help abit too. I’ve never heard about any products from GNC but there are some things, like pills, you can take that are designed to make you shake and sweat ALOT forcing your body to replace all the fluids in your body getting rid of the evidence. Obviously not good for the body so don’t do it alot. But if you know when your going to test just lay off the ganja for over a week and you’ll be good to go 🙂 I’m 24 so I’m not some punk kid, like the one that answered for you to take poppy seeds which WILL test you positive on doing drugs, watch Mythbusters for proof. good show. Have fun and smoke one for me 😉
It does not work. Stay off the pot for a month or two.
good luck with that. you know the best remedy for having a clean urine sample is to just not do the stuff, but. alas you apparently did it. So, I have heard several remedies (nothing from GNC though). I’ve heard tons of orange juice and water. I heard grape fruit juice is good too. The problem is that hese amy not be all that effective as drug testing now a days has gotten a little more. sophisticated.Oh. and be careful with drinking lots of water the day of the test. Anything more than a liter an hour can cause serious problems that could ultimately cause death.
you are busted, forget about your urine or blood when your hair is full of THC, only thing you can do is give up marijuana for 2 months and shave your head.I wouldn’t hire you either, so go suck on a big fat joint to drown your sorrows
Ask the person that works there. I all remember was that it was purple. P.s. It DID work.
well its called dont do drug but if you must know its called naicin
Be careful using that stuff. I cant remember the name but I do know GNC sells it. Now when you take a drug test if they find any traces of that product you will fail. I know from experience.
By your pic you don’t look like a girl how does marijuania!
Just stay off drugs and you won’t have to worry about it.
cleaners never work..most places test for chemicals that are in cleaners now. So my recommendation is, that worked for me, is too get a couple gatorades or powerades and drink them 2-3 hours before your test. Take about 3-4 high mg asperin tablets with your drink. You will need to take about 8-10 asperin tablets to get it to work, so spread out the time of your drinks. There is a chemical in high mg asperin called salaslic acid that technically “masks” the urine test. You will need to take salt with your drink (sounds nasty but its not too bad) to keep your gravity up. Also take a few vitamin b complex pills to make your urine turn yellow (more less bright yellow), because when you drink alot of gatorade your urine will have no color and you need color for the tester to except it. There is a site called that will explain it alot better and in more detail. Go there and go to the forums for the passing of drug tests. I would not go with any cleaners, they are just dumb. If you choose not to go with the asperin trick, then my other recommendation would be to get a synthetic urine, they are usually guarenteed to work and if they dont they will usually give you 4 times your money back if you can prove that it did not pass. Hope this helps and best of luck!They test for GoldenSeal now so dont get it
drink 2 cans of condense milk , i know you might want to cotch it out but it works , I’m telling you , do it the cheep way and 1 day beforee the test and 2 hours befor as well
The safest way is to not to use in the first place.If it is your employer or potential employer, they ate testing you because they don’t want the problems associated with drug abusers. They have that right.
If you ask this question at the store they won’t sell it to you. You have to know what it is when you go but I hear you can just drink tons of water/juice.
This depends how sensitive the test is that is being used but usually nothing will be completely effective.better leaving it alone for a while.
Golden Seal is your answer. My brothers use to drink it and it worked for them. Unless they’re really going all the way and ask for a hair follicle. If you can get this in you for 2 days prior to the test you’re be okay. That and a lot of water.
not sure of the name of it, you can buy it though. but if you drink lots (and I mean a lot) of water the day of the test. The worst that can happen is your urine will come up water diluted and you’ll have to take the test again. It will by you some more time. if your taking a cheep test they might not care if it comes out water diluted.
I have clean pee, wanna buy it? I wouldn’t drink it though.
All that things like that can do is mask the chemicals they are testing for.These days the tests also check for those masking agents, and testing positive for those counts as a fail
Poppy seeds.
no, drink a lot of watet
Yes. it’s called Snake Oil. Truthfully none of that stuff really works.The only thing that does work is giving it up and time.Save your money.
cranberry juice water lots of it! but.. if you didnt smoke weed in the first place you wouldnt have a prob (just my thoughts) anyways good luck and god bless
Golden Seal root extract.
modern tests can detect it no matter what you drink.
it will not test you will either show a positive or it will come out as “specimine diluted”..the tests they use these days are more advanced and sophisticated than they ever were before..Im just trying to save you some cash.check out NORML online for the correct products to use..
eat garlic
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