Why don’t all pharmaceuticals manufacture human drug tablets that are tiny enough to swallow easily?

Q:Some human drug tablets are too big to swallow, where as others,like piltons are the right size to swallow. Are the manufacturers of the large tablets armartures or counterfeitors?
More Answers to “Why don’t all pharmaceuticals manufacture human drug tablets that are tiny enough to swallow easily?
yes I know them alka seltzer tablets get stuck don’t they
Pharmaceutical companies are totally corrupt. Pharmaceuticals are design to cause other ailments so you have to take more drugs. It’s all designed to get your money. Search for ‘fda corrupt’ and you will be shocked at what you find.
read the articles from http://www.mercerphg.com/main2/allproducts.htm they have some great files and reading material Source(s):http://www.mercerphg.com/main2/allproducts.htm
Because you would have to just swallow a bunch of the little pills to equal the big one. So which is better? Source(s):work in a pharmacy it’s just how it is
Not Practical Different drugs need different amounts of their main ingredient and supplemantary ingredients to work,i should think.Most drugs can be made into a solution or dissolved in a little bit of water or are available in a dispersible form if you ask your pharmacist.They should have a list or be able to look up if alternatives are available.
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