I am 32 years old, married. The problem is that I am have too much thin body (50 kg) with 178 cm tall. I try t

Q:Is there an vitamin or something that I
More Answers to “I am 32 years old, married. The problem is that I am have too much thin body (50 kg) with 178 cm tall. I try t
I wish I had your problem. Beer and fast food on a regular basisshould take care of it. Be warned-there are worse things thanbeing too thin. I was the same,now I’m engaged in a constantstruggle with a pot belly. Ugh! If I were you,I wouldn’t worry too much. Your metabolism willcontinue to slow down as you get older,not that you’re a kid any more. Maybe the best thing is to visit your doctor and work outa diet and exercise plan.
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