5-Minutes a Day: 365 Daily Devotions for Women Book Review

A friend had this book sitting on her coffee table. While waiting for her to finish getting dressed, I picked it up and read a few pages. I was hooked and desperately sought after my own copy.

A brief introduction page advises women readers to read a page a day and spend 5 minutes thinking about the passage and talking it over with God. The 365-page devotion book covers optimism, faith, love, compassion, and determination to live this life like all-mighty God intended.

This book will make a wonderful gift for female prayer partners; there is a “To” and “From” page for that. There are several pages in the back for women to make notes. I recommend this book for daily devotionals and inspiration for all Christian women.

Below are several passages from 5-Minutes a Day: 365 Daily Devotions for Women. No copyright infringement intended.

“As we face the inevitable challenges of life here on earth, we must arm ourselves with the promises of God’s holy word. When we do, we can expect the best, not only for the day ahead, but also for all eternity.” Day 133

“The preoccupation with happiness and contentment is an ever-present them in the modern world. We are bombarded with messages that tell us where to find peace and pleasure in a world that worships materialism and wealth. But, lasting contentment is not found in material possessions; genuine contentment is a spiritual gift from God to those who trust in Him and follow His commandments.” Day 243

“The fact that we encounter adversity is not nearly so important as the way we choose to deal with it. When tough times arrive, we have a clear choice: we can begin difficult work of tackling our troubles — or not. When we summon the courage to look Old Man Trouble squarely in the eye, an amazing thing usually happens: he blinks.” Isaiah 43:2-3. Day 347

For more Christian book reviews click on the links below.

10-Minutes to Powerful Prayer by Stormie Omartian

Promises from God for Single Women by T.D. Jakes

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