Fragrant, Flavorful Thyme

Thyme is considered a Mediterranean herb so plant in a somewhat dry, sunny spot for best results. Thyme is a wonderful herb that holds its own flavor when cooking but also blends well with other flavors. It’s a great addition in tomato dishes.

Thyme has also been considered to have antiseptic properties in the medical world. It has also been used to preserve some meats and can also be found in some perfumes and colognes.

Thyme is very hardy in the southern regions of the United States. Thyme requires direct sunlight. There are different varieties of thyme so read carefully before choosing which type you would like to plant. Thyme is generally low growing and then spreads out. Thyme plants generally only reach about 8 inches in height.

Thyme can start to be harvested once the plant has become established. Only snip a few stems at a time for fresh herbs. The blossoms can also be used in cooking and are most flavorful when they first bloom. Thyme is a slow growing herb, especially when started from seed so be sure the plant is mature enough before cutting.

At the end of the growing season make sure to harvest your plant and dry your extra thyme for winter use.

Thyme is so easy to grow by itself. Too much maintenance will cause your plants to be less hardy. For the most fragrant herb choose a very dry soil. Too much moisture will create the plants to rot in the ground.

You can try growing thyme by seed but may find it difficult for your plant to make it to full maturity. It is easier and quicker to purchase a plant from a garden center.

Thyme can be grown indoors as well. It needs a bright, sunny window for best results.

If grown outdoors after some time you will have to prune it back hard, generally in early spring.

Thyme retains its flavor even when dried. It can be used in dishes to flavor tomatoes, cheeses, eggs and vegetables. Thyme may also be used in breads, vinegars and bouquet garni’s.

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