Herman Cain Fails to America an Idiocracy

In 2006, a movie premiered named “Idiocracy.” The movie depicts a world that has deteriorated into pure stupidity, and anti-intellectualism permeates politics. Today, as Herman Cain suspended his run for the Republican nomination, I was reminded of this movie.

In his closing statement, Cain quoted a Pokemon movie. Cain pointed out that the quote was from Pokemon, thinking it would make the statement seem less ridiculous, but it didn’t. Here are the enlightening words of former presidential hopeful Cain:

“Life can be a challenge. Life can seem impossible. It’s never easy when there’s so much on the line. But you and I can make a difference. There’s a mission just for you and me.”

If you want to get technical, according the Daily Beast, the words came from the disco song “Power of One,” which was featured in Pokemon: The Movie 2000. Although comical, Cain’s spectacle was also sad. Sad because it shows what has happened to the quality of our politicians. We have gone from the likes of Malice towards none to, Pokemon. It’s not enough that our government is in gridlock, but Cain proved once again that the alternatives are lackluster.

It wouldn’t be so bad if Cain’s only misstep was quoting a child’s movie in his final farewell, but his whole campaign has been a sideshow. From day one, Cain never articulated a single position. His policies were catchphrases, making it seem more like he was selling us pizzas, rather than a candidacy. The 999 plan, Peace through strength and clarity; again and again he repeated them without elaborating. During the CNN debate in October, Cain couldn’t name more than one economic adviser who helped him craft the main pillar of his campaign, 999. His defense: Cain later remarked, “I’m not going to tell you! They’re my advisers, not yours. They just want to know who my smart people are so they can attack them.” Very presidential, don’t you think? Amazingly, it wasn’t Cain’s policies that highlighted his ignorance, it was his gaffes.

Princess Nancy, saying delicious in “Cuban,” Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan, sissy pizza, and who can forget the Libya pause. As time went on, Cain couldn’t get out of his own way. Only in America could he remain a serious candidate. Think about that? This man was running for President of the United States, was a viable candidate, and couldn’t speak on arguably the most important foreign policy issue of the time. That alone should have disqualified Mr. Cain from running for president; yet, he pressed on.

On the Other hand, perhaps Cain is a genius. He was able to parlay the notion of the almighty “businessman” into a legitimate candidacy. So much honor and credibility is tied to that word in America. Republicans cling to “businessman” as though it demands instantaneous respect. But were we to believe that because Herman Cain turned around 400 Burger Kings and Godfather’s Pizza he should be president? There are millions of businessmen in America, and not all of them are qualified for the Oval Office. Cain, like George W. Bush, proved that the “businessman” persona needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

In the end, it was a series of sex scandals that brought down Cain, thankfully. How he ever achieved frontrunner status is beyond comprehension. His lack of knowledge on the issues that face this country was inexcusable. We should have a president who quotes Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, both Roosevelt’s, Kennedy; the great men who have led our country from both sides of the aisle. America is at a crossroads, and couldn’t afford an experiment like Herman Cain. Goodbye Mr. Cain, you succeeded in selling books and making mounds of money, but you failed in taking America one step closer to an “idiocracy.”

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