Housebreaking Your Boxer Puppy

There’s nothing quite cuter than a boxer puppy. However, your new pup isn’t so cute when he (or she) continues to pee on your carpet. That’s why it’s imperative you start housebreaking your new boxer puppy as soon as you bring him home.

Indoor Newspaper Method

Start with inside papers. First, place papers or pretreated “Pee Pads” where you want your puppy to go potty. (You can also use the scent of your pup’s own urine or feces.) Because they’re scented with a chemical attracting your puppy to use them, scented pads help with housebreaking. As soon as you see your pup doing the “pre-potty dance” (walking around and sniffing), gently lift him up (without saying a word) and place him on the paper/pad. Then praise him when he performs.

Next, move the papers. Once your puppy has mastered the papers on a regular basis, move the papers closer to the door or place another set outside.

The Outside Method

Training your puppy to first go potty inside the house on newspapers (or litter boxes) works for many owners. However, just be aware that it can also cause your puppy to keep on peeing inside the house once the papers are removed. Some owners contend that housebreaking can take longer if you use the indoor newspaper method.

Crate training – Crate training not only stops your puppy from messing in your house, but also teaches him he can “hold it” and not go potty just because he feels the urge.

Stick with a schedule. As soon as your puppy awakens in the morning, take him immediately outside where he’s to go potty. Do the same after he eats a meal. (It’s also important to maintain a regular schedule for meals.) And, just before he goes into his crate for bedtime, take him outside so he can relieve himself.

Provide reliable potty access. Make sure you give your puppy plenty of access to go potty. Whether it’s newspapers, a “doggie door”, or an indoor litter box, it’s essential he has a place to go on a regular basis.

Watch him closely. It’s only after your new puppy is totally housebroken that you can allow him to walk freely through your home. When your puppy isn’t in his crate, keep a sharp eye on him. Most of this time you’ll be either playing with him, sitting with him, walking him, or interacting with him such as teaching him other commands

Use a gate. If possible, use a child protective gate to keep him out of carpeted areas of your home. As soon as he starts to smell and squat, immediately take him to his “bathroom.”

Walk your pup outside. When walking your pup outside to go potty, many owners have found that just by saying “hurry up” the puppy does his business. Remember to keep the words short and repeat the same ones each time so you won’t confuse him.

What NOT to Do

Don’t confine your boxer puppy in a place where he’s forced to do his business in the wrong places.
Don’t yell, berate, or hit him when he messes up.

Most of all, don’t give up. Housebreaking your new boxer puppy isn’t a process that happens overnight. But rest assured, boxers are clean animals and are known for being able to be quickly, as well as successfully housebroken. In other words, it’s only a small period of time that you have to endure the training period, so hang in there.

Originally published on Suite 101.

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