How Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs and Personal Apps Users Benefit from Cloud Computing

Cloud computing may be a heavenly sent solution for the small business owner needing high technology to maintain a business whilst looking to cut expenses to stay afloat. In today’s economy, the need for more efficient, effective ways to produce and maintain a web site is vast. Web sites are springing up constantly with individuals being forced to come up with proprietary businesses after being forced from the corporate world. Entrepreneurs have marketable ideas and good marketing plans, but may not have the capital necessary in bringing the product to market quickly and efficiently.

Creating a web site is necessary in just about every field needing to communicate its product information or mission. Even the small brick and mortar venue needs to have an online site available not only for sales traffic, but for information on products, store hours and directions. Shared cloud computing and virtual private networks (VPN) can provide entrepreneurs with as little or as much service based on demand or needs of the business as a particular interval.

Even if customer does not have an online shop, the need to have a web site is as important as an ancient yellow pages ad pointing a customer in a company’s direction. If a company does not have a completely accessible site, consumers will just move on to the next vendor listed on their engine searches.

But, creating, maintaining, and then hosting a website is not an inexpensive proposition, especially, for the new or small business. One does not only need computers or point of sale terminals, a web site needs internet server equipment. Dedicated servers available for a single company’s use are usually cost prohibitive for a small business. Shared servers may be attractive in cost, but being available to a large number of customers assigned to a server can cause access errors due to large amounts of traffic online, simultaneously.

Cloud computing services have become so competitively priced that getting a web site online quickly as possible is extremely affordable. Adding the minutiae as needs or funds become available is another beneficial aspect of choosing to work under a cloud.

In addition, a small business owner may not need all of the features dedicated or shared servers provide resulting in spending money for unused programs. This is where cloud computing is the solution for the small business owner as well as any type of user wanting to access services on an ‘as-needed’ basis without capital outlay to buy equipment that may not be used more than a few hours a day or week, or may contain unused features.

Cloud computing is an online server platform ‘hosted’ virtually, offering, maintaining and servicing an enormous range of features to the consumer on a demand basis. There is no expenditure for additional equipment, security software, and demand load is monitored and distributed evenly and continuously, and a company does not have to worry about ‘outgrowing’ its equipment. That is one of the most important details to note: as a business grows, and its website needs advance, cloud computing can allow the company to achieve this, instantly. No research or upgrading equipment, as expansion is limitless. In addition, because the cloud company is maintaining the operations and demand, no worries about crashes, back-ups, overloads, and repair because there is no equipment to worry about.

As a single user or small business owner, especially with technology changing so rapidly, isn’t it nice to have one less issue not to worry about?

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