Are cucumbers good for losing weight

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Cucumbers have a high water density and low calories content, which is good for weight loss because it burns alot of calories to digest them but they do not contain alot of calories. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are cucumbers good for losing weight
Are cucumbers good for losing weight
Cucumbers have a high water density and low calories content, which is good for weight loss because it burns alot of calories to digest them but they do not contain alot of calories. ChaCha!

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Q: is that like fattening?! cause i love cucumbers lol and well i love cucumbers and vinegar and was wondering if thats good for being part of a diet. :)please and thank u
A: Cucumber salad, as you describe, is a very good source of fiber and will certainly help you to lose weight. Especially if you leave the skin on….that is extra fiber.
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Q: These are the foods I eat the most. Please let me know if there is anything in my diet I should take out and what I should add to my diet. Thank you!- Lots of water- Boiled egg whites- Frozen mixed veggies- Oranges- Cucumbers- Boiled and grilled chicken breast- Soy milk and cheerios- Pinto beans cooked w/out lard or oil (fat free)- Yoplait yogurt (fat free, 100 calories, low sugar)- Grapes- String cheese- Veggie burgers
A: Speaking just of the items you mentioned:Just read the ingredients and make sure that the yoplait or any other prepared product doesn’t have splenda or aspartame in it.I would do you one better and go with organic dairy products – sometimes the hormones, etc in dairy affect folks and doesn’t make it easy to lose weight. Stonyfield farm makes excellent yogurt products that are available in some major grocery chains, or try your local healthfood store for more selection. Also try goatmilk yogurt. I would also check your grocery store for hormone free/cage free eggs for the same reason – they even sell them now at Walmart. – for your boiled egg whites.As far as veggies – frozen veggies are much better than canned . I would try mixing in organic veggies and stuff from the local farm stand too. You are missing grapefruit or other form of lycopene.As far as veggie burgers – replace them sometimes with tofu or fish to get variety of nutrients. And remember its all about balance – there are good fats, you need your Omega 3’s and you need plenty of carbs contrary to fads – its hard to get the fiber you need without them.
Is this a good diet for losing weight and feeling full?
Q: Breakfast: Porridge with blackberries and 1tsp honeySnack: Carrot sticks with low fat soft cheeseLunch: A tuna, tomato and cucumber sandwich (brown bread)Dinner: Roast chicken with spinach, cauliflower/broccoli and brown basmati rice.Dessert: Small orangeAny tips for improvement and how to make myself feel full for longer?
A: you’re eating too much carbohydrates during breakfast, and 1st snack. You should mix in egg whites or turkey breast. You will also need another snack in between lunch and dinner. For lunch, “brown bread”, I’m assuming wheat bread causes the level of insulin level in your blood to spike, I would stay with rye, or better yet, make it a tuna salad with low fat dressing. For dinner, skip the rice. Protein is what will make you stay full and drink lots and lots of water.
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