Are eggs fattening

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Are eggs fattening”,you can compare them.

The mixture of fat in an egg is a highly favorable balance of 1.5g saturated, 1.9g monounsaturated and 0.7g polyunsaturated. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are eggs fattening
Eggs are an excellent food. There are about 80 cals in an egg – obviously if you fry it, etc, then you add calories from the fat, etc. The cals in the egg don’t change however you cook it. The recommended amount to eat is just 2-3 a week, b…
Although the eggs may be a little fattening, the crackers are going to be more fattening in the long run. The eggs contain valuable nutrients which the crackers and bread don’t compare to. If you want to lose weight, you should just eat for…
NO, a large egg only supplies 75 calories which is very little considering the nutrition and satisfaction from hunger that an egg provides.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why are liquid eggs so fattening from the college cafeteria?
Q: Okay, so the scrambeled eggs they serve at the UT-Austin cafeterias have the nutrition info online. They post the ingredients as liquid eggs with Citric Acid! The nutrional label posts that it has 6 grams of protein and 13 GRAMS OF FAT in one serving! I know that’s not natural so I was wondering if anyone knew why they are so fattening? Are they highly prcessed or something? Does anyone know where they buy them from?
A: That is impossible my friend. I can almost guarantee that their nutritional information is wrong. One whole egg (average size) has 5 grams of protein and about 5 grams of fat. Surely, they are serving you more than one egg per serving right? Even if it was one egg, there is NO WAY one egg has 13 grams of fat. Since you’re in college, try to make friends with someone who’s studying nutrition or food science. Then get them to take a look at the nutritional information. I can assure you, that is completely wrong.
In general, which is more fattening- scrambled eggs or pancakes?
Q: pancakes with butter and syrup….scrambled eggs with the same….which is more fattening?
A: Both. Pancakes usually have oil and sugar in them while the yoke in eggs is high in fat.
Are eggs fattening?
Q: I know they are high in proteins and cholestrol, but are they recommended for someone on a diet?Also, how about different types of eggs, such as boiled, scrambled or omelette? Do they differ in fat levels?Thanks.
A: Eggs are an excellent food. There are about 80 cals in an egg – obviously if you fry it, etc, then you add calories from the fat, etc. The cals in the egg don’t change however you cook it. The recommended amount to eat is just 2-3 a week, but in the past most people ate 1 per day when eggs were popular and they didn’t seem to suffer from some kind of eggy disease by eating more than is recommended these days.
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