Can energy drinks make your heart race

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Can energy drinks make your heart race”,you can compare them.

Energy drinks’ stimulating properties can boost the heart rate and blood pressure. Sometimes to the point of palpitations. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can energy drinks make your heart race
What should i do if my heart is racing because iDrank “No Fe…?
Also most important is do not panic. Go lie down on the couch and start doing deep breathing relaxing. your body for as long as it takes. Those energy drinks are nothing but garbage.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I had half of an rockstar energy drink and my heart is like racing is this normal?
Q: im freakinggggggggggggggg out i think my mind might be making it worse though.
A: Ya you’re fine… try drinking 12 a day like me
Why does coffee make me jittery when tea/soda/energy drinks don’t?
Q: I used to be able to drink one or 2 cups of coffee a day without any problems. A couple of years ago, however, I started getting jittery, sweaty, and nervous when I had coffee. My head would feel funny and my heart would race. I stopped drinking it and avoided caffeinated beverages most of the time. I occasionally drink tea which doesn’t bug me, and once I had a heavily caffeinated soda/energy drink and it did nothing.The funny thing is, I get the same symptoms from decaf. It makes me wonder if it’s the coffee itself and not the caffeine. Does anyone know anything about this or how to avoid it? I thought I could enjoy the taste of coffee by drinking decaf, but apparently I can’t without the nasty side effects.More info in response to one of the answers:I never put any sugar, milk or cream in my coffee. Sometimes I put honey in tea, but that doesn’t make me jittery.
A: TOOOOOOOOO Much Caffeine intake has a lasting effect, switch to decaff for awhile, I’ve had the same problems and I am only 19, doctor said my sugar levels are normal, but lack of exercise, too much Vita A and E (which to much can kill you) [Also prob your problems] so you may get the same results from decaff, but they will subside if you lessen your dosageAlso, potential chance of Hyperhidrosis
Why does half an energy drink make me shaky when a pot of coffee doesn’t?
Q: I have a remarkably high tolerance for caffeine when consumed in the form of coffee or soda. In fact, I can drink a pot of coffee by myself and then take a nap shortly thereafter. However, whenever I have one of those energy drinks (like Red Bull), I get the worst case of the jitters: my heart races, my hands shake, and I can’t stay focused on anything. Why do I have no reaction to coffee, yet such a strong one to an energy drink?
A: The main active ingredient in most energy drinks is not caffeine, it’s taurine. Then they add caffeine and sometime ephedra. You could be allergic to the taurine but chances are, you just haven’t built up the tolerance to it you have to caffeine.
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