Do water pills help you loose weight

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Do water pills help you loose weight”,you can compare them.

Yes, there is a small weight loss that comes with taking water pills. But you can easily gain it all back. ChaCha for more! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do water pills help you loose weight
Do water pills help you lose weight?
Diuretics. Diuretics are medicines that help reduce the amount of water in the body. Diuretics are used to treat the buildup of excess fluid in the body that occurs with some medical conditions such as congestive…
Do water pills help to loose weight?
Water pills make you lose water. Even though you diet and exercise, you may not be doing enough of either to get the results you desire.
Are water pills a good way to loose weight fast?
Let’s be clear here. Do you want to lose weight, or do you want to lose fat? A water pill will help you lose weight easily. That weight will be completely composed of water. You will look much different if you lose 5lbs of water than 5lb…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a Man take water pills to loose some weight?
A: There is a pill called Diurex for men, I’d imagine that it would take care of any excess water weight, but you have to drink a ton of fluids and most of the time water pills make you pee constantly (hence getting rid of water weight)! However any weight loss that is mainly fluids is not permanent and you will gradually go back to the weight you were at when you started if you do not keep taking the pills.
Do water pills actually work? Do they really make you loose weight? And if so, what is the best brand?
Q: Well I am trying to loose weight. And I really dont have much time. I want to b skinny by June. I have tried to do so many things, but it seems as if nothing is working. And I was wondering do water pills actually work?Or are there any other ideas to loose weight?
A: You wont lose fat, just water weight, and its very harsh on your kidneys.
Will diuretic pills/water pills make you loose weight or just a few pounds? What are they originally used for?
A: theyre mainly used to lower blood pressure or get rid of excess water in conditions where you retain water, not really so much weight loss… yeah you might lose a couple pounds since youre going to pee out more but you wont burn fat, you wont look any different, and the weight will come right back as soon as you quit taking them. bad way to diet. some of the over the counter diet pills that cost a fortune have a diuretic in them though to make it look like they actually work. if you want to lose weight eat better and excercise more.
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