Does anerexia make you loss weight

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Losing weight is not the result of “one” thing. Among the numerous things are diet, exercise, stress levels, and life style. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does anerexia make you loss weight
Does anerexia make you loss weight
Losing weight is not the result of “one” thing. Among the numerous things are diet, exercise, stress levels, and life style.

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my 20 year old sister has bulimia and depression for over 3 years now.. help =/?
Q: ok so im 15 and i was the one to figure out that my sister *Tina was belimic i told my mom, stepdad and turns out my 19year old step brother knew.. she went to a conselour for about a year but still would continue to vomit excessivly at least 3 or 4 times a day. and she wouldnt even try to hide it i would be in my room which is right outside the bathroom and she would go in,puke, and walkout like everything was fine..the first year she was just sufferin from bulimia but then year 2 she also was diagnosed with depression because she had a real tough time with a bf. and one night my brother found a sucicide note on the counter saying how she loved us all and that she needed to go we found it at like 3AM so the cops came and all.. she came home 3 days later but never told us where she was. that was really tough on the family.. so now Tina was about 18 years old a senior in highschool with depression and bulimia. so then last year she was a freshman at college and wasnt as happy with her roomate as she thought she would be so she started to get bad with her depression again.. and to make things worse we cant keep track to see if she is still binging and perging since we only see her on her holiday breaks and ever since that one sucicide scare everyones been on edge that she’ll do something to hurt herself ( she isnt a cutter or anything.. actually if no body told you, you probably wouldnt even be able to tell she was would probably think i would be the one with the eating disorded because im very skinny-yet i eat like a pig? . she was one of the most popular girls at her school she has a really nice boyfriend now and they both really like eachother) but anways the thing thats really bad is that she knows that we all know, but just plays it off like nothings wrong and she always is bragging about her weight loss even though she did it in an unhealthy manner.. but just recently me and my doctor said that she also is suffering from anerexia.. she eats at MOST one spoon/forkfull of whatevers for dinner and claim to be “just not hungry” so my mom will try to convince her to take a vitamin but she just says no.. so my question is that if you have been belimic for 3 years depression for 2 years and anerixic for one year – will she die soon? i know its a very…unreal question to be asking about your sister but im being completly seriuos espicailly with all of these things on top of eachother. she looks a very unhealthy skinny and im just scared. i know she isnt going to stop.. or she just cant- so what happens 2 years later? where will she be… will she even be here? she barley goes to her conselour/psycariatrist and if/when she does– she just lies and says that shes ok now.. and the thing is i have been suffering with insomina for about 7years now and i think i might have skitzafrenia becasue i see ghosts alot and hear voices… and the thing is if you knew me i wouldnt seem like i have any of this going on at my home life.. im a very happy girl only 2 of my best friends know about my sister and me and im also nervous if i devolp depression or something later in life ( i KNOW i wont ever make an eating disorder/.. im on a goal to gain weight! *name has been changedsorry this was so long and there were many spelling errors but i just literally wrote this after i settled down from the hardest cry i think i have ever had in my life.. and the weird thing is that if i try to cry agian nothing comes out.. is that common? like i want to tell my bestfriend the new things that have been happening at my home life bc i need someone to talk to about it .. but im afriad if i dont cry then she’ll think im just making it up or i dont care.. but i care more about my sisters health and happiness right now more that anything else.thank you for reading this, i appreicaite all seriuos answers.. if you have any info or advice for me email me at [email protected] went on yahoo because google wasnt much help at all. i reposted this because she is 20 now with no progress and im at a loss.
A: Your old sister has a very serious illness and there is no way you can handle the situation all by yourself. Because of the nature of her illness and her state of denial her condition will not improve without professional help. A responsible adult in your family needs to get involved and relieve you of the pressure and responsibility for your mother’s well-being. If your father is not available then speak to your grandmother again. Show her your letter because it does a good job communicating how serious the situation is. Emphasize that your old sister cannot be trusted to give her doctors or another person accurate information because her perception of her condition is completely distorted. If your parents cannot see the reality of the situation then you need to find another family member or and adult you trust to intercede on your old sister ‘s behalf. Keep in mind that you are not “telling” on your old sister , you are being loving in trying to get her the help that she desperately needs.It would also be helpful for your sister to realize that her illness not only affects her, but the entire family as well. You may also want to consider individual therapy if the family therapy is not meeting all your needs;do not give up!Take Care Always
my 19 year old sister has had bulimia for 3years now.. at college so cant keep watch…?
Q: ok so im 14 and i was the one to figure out that my sister *Tina was belimic i told my mom, stepdad and turns out my 18year old step brother knew.. she went to a conselour for about a year but still would continue to vomit excessivly at least 3 or 4 times a day. and she wouldnt even try to hide it i would be in my room which is right outside the bathroom and she would go in,puke, and walkout like everything was fine..the first year she was just sufferin from bulimia but then year 2 she also was diagnosed with depression because she had a real tough time with a bf. and one night my brother found a sucicide note on the counter saying how she loved us all and that she needed to go we found it at like 3AM so the cops came and all.. she came home 3 days later but never told us where she was. that was really tough on the family.. so now Tina was about 18 years old a senior in highschool with depression and bulimia. Now this year- shes a freshman at college and isnt as happy with her roomate as she thought she would be so she started to get bad with her depression again.. and to make things worse we cant keep track to see if she is still binging and perging since we only see her on her holiday breaks and ever since that one sucicide scare everyones been on edge that she’ll do something to hurt herself ( she isnt a cutter or anything.. actually if no body told you, you probably wouldnt even be able to tell she was would probably think i would be the one with the eating disorded because im very skinny-yet i eat like a pig? . she was one of the most popular girls at her school she has a really nice boyfriend now and they both really like eachother) but anways the thing thats really bad is that she knows that we all know, but just plays it off like nothings wrong and she always is bragging about her weight loss even though she did it in an unhealthy manner.. but just recently me and my doctor said that she also is suffering from anerexia.. she eats at MOST one spoon/forkfull of whatevers for dinner and claim to be “just not hungry” so my mom will try to convince her to take a vitamin but she just says no.. so my question is that if you have been belimic for 3 years depression for 2 years and anerixic for one year – will she die soon? i know its a very…unreal question to be asking about your sister but im being completly seriuos espicailly with all of these things on top of eachother. she looks a very unhealthy skinny and im just scared. i know she isnt going to stop.. or she just cant- so what happens 2 years later? where will she be… will she even be here? she barley goes to her conselour/psycariatrist and if/when she does– she just lies and says that shes ok now.. and the thing is i have been suffering with insomina for about 7years now and i think i might have skitzafrenia becasue i see ghosts alot and hear voices… and the thing is if you knew me i wouldnt seem like i have any of this going on at my home life.. im a very happy girl only 2 of my best friends know about my sister and me and im also nervous if i devolp depression or something later in life ( i KNOW i wont ever make an eating disorder/.. im on a goal to gain weight! *name has been changedsorry this was so long and there were many spelling errors but i just literally wrote this after i settled down from the hardest cry i think i have ever had in my life.. and the weird thing is that if i try to cry agian nothing comes out.. is that common? like i want to tell my bestfriend the new things that have been happening at my home life bc i need someone to talk to about it .. but im afriad if i dont cry then she’ll think im just making it up or i dont care.. but i care more about my sisters health and happiness righ tnow more that anything else. thank you for reading this, i appreicaite all seriuos answers.. if you have any info or advice for me email me at [email protected] i went on yahoo becasue google wasnt much help at all.
A: I’m sorry you have to see your sister suffering so much; it’s really hard on everyone in the family.The only thing that can be done is your parents admitting her to the hospital or an eating disorder clinic as an inpatient, but only if she is threatening to harm herself or doesn’t have the mental capacity to see what she’s doing. Otherwise your parents unfortunately, have no say in her health as she became an “adult” (as far as health care is concerned) at 16.Take Britney Spears for example: she was threatening to harm herself and wasn’t mentally stable so her parents took it upon themselves to have her institutionalized. Legally your parents can do this, but they have to want to help her too. Unfortunately there isn’t much you can do as a little sister except to listen to her and always be there for her.If your sister continues along this road of anorexia and/or bulimia, she will become so malnourished that eventually she will die. Hopefully there will be some sort of intervention and your sister will be able to recover from this disease.Hope this helps and I hope she can get help soon 🙂
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