Does chicken make you grow

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does chicken make you grow”,you can compare them.

Protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals are needed to insure that bones, teeth, muscle and internal organs develop correctly. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does chicken make you grow
Does chicken make your breast grow?
Nope eating plain old Lemon does. You should try it, the only way it works is if you peel two lemons and just eat them one right after the other, 8x’s a day. Then after a month you eat 6 Jalapenos 8x’s a day, seeds and all. By the end of tw…
Is it true that chicken make your breasts grow bigger??
NO! Your genetics decide how, when, and how much of you there will be on this earth. No pills, creams, chicken, berries etc will make your breasts grow bigger or faster. Good Luck
Can eating chicken make your breasts grow or get bigger??
There has long been a story in circulation that if you eat lots of food containing growth hormones (most versions of the story say chicken) there is a good chance that you will exerience breast development as a result, even if you are male….

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does chicken or pasta make your boobs grow?
Q: my friends say that if you eat chicken or pasta alot then your boobs will grow????
A: No no no. Maybe they say that because they are teenagers. Teen girls often eat certain things and then say “it made them get bigger” but they don’t realize that since they’re going through puberty, they’re growing on their own anyway. There is no food, drink, vitamin, exercise or pill that can make your breasts bigger. The birth control pill can make them bigger temporarily but after your body adjusts to the pill they usually go back. Breast implants make them bigger. Gaining weight and getting pregnant make them bigger.
does your boob grow when u eat chicken?
Q: i heard that if you eat chicken it’ll make your boobs grow.Is that possible?? and what makes it grow?
A: Lol gotta star this question.(i dont know)
ways to make boobs grow faster? i’m 14?
Q: all my friends have boobs and i have little you know any ways to make them grow e.g. eating chicken that has hormonesthanks
A: There is nothing other than surgery and it’s totally not worth it! Love your body for what it is not for what it isn’t.
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