How can I gain weight faster

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I gain weight faster”,you can compare them.

Count how many calories you eat in a normal day. Eat 500 calories MORE then you normally do. Start lifting weights. Don’t eat junk [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I gain weight faster
・ 1 Eat balanced meals with protein, veggetables and starches like potatoes and whole wheat bread. Increase… ・ 2 Eat nutritiously at each meal and add in two extra snacks per day, to help you gain weight fast. At… ・ 3 Drink milk and j…
Gaining Weight Faster Eat peanut butter and bananas.
Get protein shake and have that on a regular basis. Eat plenty of protein and carbohydrate food such as meat, eggs, fish, dairy, baked potato etc. Try and stay off too much fatty food as that would effect your health. And start going gym on…

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How can I gain weight fast?
Q: Im Very skinny and tall….i always had trouble finding clothes that fit me at any store i shop at…so im trying to gain weight…
A: Don’t worry guys.This answer has been selected as best answer for more than fifteen times by asker (yahoo answer) for gain weight.Follow this site more helpful for you.Only home made tips.More healthy.Definitely you might gain.
How can I gain weight faster?
Q: I am 20 years old and I am pretty skinny, yet naturally muscular. I have been eating more these past couple of months and I have noticed weight gain, but its not substantial enough. I first noticed my face getting fat then my legs. My body is really narrow and im not really happy with it.I want to know if there is a faster way to gain weight, i especially want weight on my arms; they are so skinny. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A: do not eat breakfast and eat big meals for lunch and supper, snack on healthy food. if you eat a bunch of surgery fatty food you will not like where the fat appears. do weight lifting to get your arms more muscular.
Which help you gain weight faster, meal replacement bars or weight gain milkshakes?
Q: I’m 19 and only weigh 135. I workout fairly often, but I don’t want to become a body builder or anything. Would the replacement bars or weight gain shakes work better and faster?
A: food
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