How do you lose 20 to 30 lbs in 2 months

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Losing 20-30 pounds in two months is very ambitious. Try setting your goal smaller, say 5-8 pounds a month and go from there. You will need to reduce calories to 1,500-1,800 daily, drink plenty of water, and exercise for at least 30 minutes per day. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you lose 20 to 30 lbs in 2 months
How do you lose 20-30 lbs in less then 2 months?
Congratulations on your new venture – losing weight and meeting your dad! WOW – what a lot to look forward to. I’ve done so much dieting over the past 30 years I know how hard it is to lose that much weight in such a short time. Don’t be di…
How do i lose 30 – 20 lbs in 2 months or less?
Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the daily calorie needs calculator Thi…

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A: Exercise…………
How do you lose 20-30 lbs in less then 2 months?
Q: I need to know because I am going down to Georgia for the 1st time to finnaly meet my biological dad whom I have never met before and I want to look good. HELP ME! This is NO JoKe either! Never met him or knew who he was untill about 3 weeks ago. Im 18 now~!
A: Lose the weight for yourself not to just look good when you meet your father for the first time. Start by changing your eating habits. Then drink plenty of water and coffee and tea aren’t one of them. Then you should start and exercise program maybe even just walking 3 or 4 times a week. And if you really want to lose that weight limit the evening eating say no eating after 6 or 6:30pm Good luck with your weight loss.
Need to lose 20-30 lbs by May (3 1/2 months). How can I do (and stick to) it?
Q: I’m 17, 5’4″, and weigh 145 lbs. Apparently, I’m overweight, and I figure if I’m gonna lose weight, I might as well go all out (and I want to look good for my last summer of high school). How on earth can I lose 20 to 30 pounds in three and a half months?Oh…Yeah. And I DON’T want any of that diet pill/drink crap. I don’t trust it.Wow…^ ^ I’m not sure which one is best yet, but I didn’t think that many people would care. Thankyou, all of this is really, really helpful! ^ ^
A: Rule of thumb for weight loss: Diet= 70% exercise= 30%Great 7 step plan to follow for LASTING and healthy results (My sources are I’ve been a world-class athlete since age 6, read tons about this for years including Gunnar Peterson’s book The Workout [he’s trainer to A list celebrities] and Tony Robbin’s “The Body You Deserve” and after educating my brother, he lost 45 pounds in 4 months and has kept it off for 1.5 years plus):1. Awareness of what you eat by keeping a diet journal to see where ure going wrong plus writing down very specific goals w/a time frame on them (be realistic yet firm) and view them on a regular basis. Also- tell someone about your progress toward your goals on a regular basis- this will keep you accountable. I have an excel spreadsheet that lists all my goals and my weekly progress toward them and I share them with my boyfriend each week so we can discuss it. Choose someone encouraging and motivating that wants to see you succeed. Family and best friends are great choices.2. Best cardio is running in terms of weight loss. It is however, very high-impact and can lead to injuries. If you get injured- 2nd best is rowing, 3rd is cycling (both of which are less impact). You should be doing cardio minimum 4 times a week 30min.-1 hr. Weight loss heart rate range is one where you can carry on a conversation w/o a big struggle. Mix it up to keep from losing willpower or getting bored. People lose motivation when exercise isn’t fun and engaging. If you love soccer or basketball or volleyball…what are you doing at the gym? Cardio is cardio!3. Resistance program to help firm muscles and give a pretty tone (u can’t spot-reduce- weight training results per individual body part will only be visible after the fat layer is off from the cardio). You should do this 2-3 times a week for 30 min-1 hr each time. It’s important to have that break in between so your muscles can rest. Remember- each muscle gained= more calories lost on a daily basis b/c this revs up your metabolism! Jessica Biel is a great model for a muscular gorgeous body. Look at a picture of her and visualize your face on her body. The mind’s thoughts literally create your reality and destiny. This has been proven over the centuries.4. 3 meals/2snacks per day: high fiber/ high protein helps keep you full and eat low carb unless its good complex carbs like salad and fruit and whole-grains. Bottom line: eat the natural foods our ancestors ate, no processed junk. The best foods for you are filled with FIBER (shoot for 35 gms a day- this will curb cravings like heck!) Anna Kournikova eats a fruit and has a glass of water 30 min before her meals to be fuller and eat less (you should always do this, esp b4 going out to eat where temptations are large). When you eat great, nutrient-packed foods, you dont need to obsess over counting calories- so many better things to occupy your time with, like reading! A clever mind will take you farther in life than a beautiful body 🙂 Bottom line- keep perspective and don’t let this consume you to the point of being OCD. Also, no diet sodas- the fake sugars actually make ure body crave more sugary stuff. Stick to tea (coffee makes your body crash and can increase appetite) and water and never bring bad foods into your house. A woman should never go under 1200 cals a day by the way, slightly more for a man…very unhealthy. Breakfast= eat like a king, Lunch= eat like a prince, and Dinner= eat like a pauper. Lastly, take a multivitamin each day…go to Whole Foods and ask them which is a really high-quality one, b/c it’s not just taking a MV but the better ones dont cheat you on the grams and your body absorbs the vitamins/minerals best. Ask what is a good daily regimen for your gender, but don’t let them oversell you. The most you should need is a multi and maybe fish oils.5. Americans in general want things QUICK and easy, we are impatient- you must be patient in terms of your results and never give up. Additionally, this is a LIFESTYLE change for LIFE: There are NOOO get-thin quick schemes, PERIOD. If u abuse your body u will ruin your metabolism and in the future u will gain weight MUCH easier than today. Diet pills will kill you as quickly as they helped kill Anna Nicole Smith. They are no better than drugs so don’t take the cheap lazy way out.6. Weigh yourself once a week, never more often than that but get all measurements- waist circumference, body fat %, muscle %, water % (there are good digital scales that do this) b/c u could be gaining muscle which weighs more than fat or be full of water and be like- why the heck wont i lose weight! and then binge on donuts 🙂 no no no! and reward yourself when you make progress! make it fun or else you’ll quit sooner than later.7. Drink min. 2 liters of water per day (more for men) and whenever you’re stressed- take DEEP BREATHS rather than reaching for food. Breathe in this ratio: Inhale for 5 counts, hold for 20 counts, exhale for 10 counts. If you do 10 of these 3x/day you’ll be releasing toxins, decreasing appetite, & your energy and vitality will boom. This is why people lose weight doing yoga which on its own doesnt lose many calories. Oxygen is so so important.You can do it! Good luck, keep a positive attitude, and never give up! 🙂
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