How long does breast milk last in the refrigerator

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Freshly expressed breastmilk may be kept at room temperature for up to 10 hours and 6 days in the refrigerator. Thanks for asking. [ Source: ]
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How long does breast milk last in the refrigerator?,1511,1629,00.html
Pam in Brooksville, Fl.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does breast milk last from the refrigerator once heated, at room temp?
Q: If I heat up BREAST MILK from the frigde, how long will it last in room temp?Not “thawed” milk. I know that if you freeze milk, and then thaw it, it is only good for 24 hours in fridge, and must be used immediatly once heated I’m talking about milk that has not been frozen, just in the fridge.
A: I have always wondered this myself. You always here 8 hours, but I have never heard it specifically about milk that has been reheated. I know we have kept it out for a few hours and it was ok when we put it back in the fridge and heated it again.One night I left work with my precious bottles of milk. Two had been pumped around 7pm and the others at midnight. I left work at 2am. I forgot to put my milk in the fridge and the next morning, 8 hours later, I found them! I put them in the fridge and was reassured that as long as the milk does not smell bad it is ok.Throughout the day I smelled all four bottles and felt confident they were ok. Jaiden ate them the next day at work and had no problems!
How long does expressed breast milk last in a refrigerator, freezer, and in a room temprature ?
A: to the bottom of the page, there is a list that answers your question to the letter…. I have this in my favorites for quick reference, lol…. Hope it helps!!!Edit: I am not sure where the other person referencing LLL got the information. I had phoned the LLL when I first started storing and they told me the same thing that is on the link above that I gave. This is what that site reference says:Human milk can be stored:At room temperature (66-72°F, 19-22°C) for up to 10 hours. In a refrigerator (32-39°F, 0-4°C) for up to eight days. In a freezer compartment inside a refrigerator (variable temperature due to the door opening frequently) for up to two weeks In a freezer compartment with a separate door (variable temperature due to the door opening frequently) for up to three to four months In a separate deep freezer (0°F, -19°C) for up to six months or longer.I follow these guidelines and my son is in great health! No problems what so ever.
how long does breast milk last at room temp?
Q: also when am done pumping milk, the breast milk that’s in a bottle (4 oz) is a bit warm do i need to leave it out for while before putting it in refrigerator? also another question is how long does breast milk last in COOLER department and refrigerator ?
A: 6-7 hours at room temperature.No need to leave pumped milk out- refrigerate as soon as possibleAs for the cooler department- refrigerate as soon as possibleAnd Refrigerated milk can last 5-7 days… longer if frozen. However, once thawed it must be used within 24 hours.
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