How long does your gum stay in your stomach if you swallow it

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Gum doesn’t sit in your stomach. It progresses relatively intact through your digestive system and is excreted in your stool. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does your gum stay in your stomach if you swallow it
How long does gum stay in your stomach if you swallow it ?
I was always told it was 7 yrs.Instead I found this bit of info for you on the subject from a Certified Nurse Assistant who works in the hosptial near my house. This is a sticky question. Parents who would prefer that their child not eat …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does gum stay in your stomach?
Q: I swallowed gum, and I was wondering how long it stays in your stomach. After I swallowed it i kind of felt a little sick after word.
A: I’ve heard 7 years to digest
How long does gum stay in your stomach after you swallow it?
A: Usually a day or two after you eat it. Although you shouldn’t swallow chewing gum, it is not considered harmful. info:Most mothers told the same “don’t swallow your gum, it will stick to your insides” story, BUT (sorry Mom) it’s just not true!Your intestinal tract does a good job of getting rid of things it doesn’t want or need. Chewing gum is made from both digestible sugars and indigestible carbohydrates called … gums.A stick of regular bubble gum, for example, has several grams of sugar that your body easily breaks down and absorbs. When you swallow your chewing gum, the indigestible part just passes through into your stool, much like fiber.While you might envision chewing gum getting stuck on the sides of your digestive tract, understand that this is virtually impossible. During the course of an average day, your intestinal tract secretes about seven liters of fluid to keep things moving.Generally, it is suggested that you throw your gum into the trash, but in a pinch, swallowing it will not hurt you.
How long does gum stay in your stomach if you swallow it ?
A: No longer than anything else. It digests just like regualar food!
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