How many calories are in a average sized banana

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are in a average sized banana”,you can compare them.

A medium-sized (7 -7.75″) banana has 105 calories. It also provides 422.4mg of potassium and 1.3 grams of protein. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in a average sized banana
How many calories does an average size banana have?
small = 90 medium =105 large = 121

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many calories are in an average sized banana?
A: 105 in a medium sized banana.
How many calories does a regular size banana and apple have?
Q: Just the average size ones. Which one has more fattening? Really appreciate it and thanks.
A: Roughly each fruit is about 100 calories, give or take ten or twenty. As for which one is more healthful, they’re both good as they’re both fruits. (Provided the banana isn’t deep fried at a fair or the apple isn’t drenched in caramel sauce. Then the fruit is just ruined. However, they are both great with natural peanut butter.) I have an apple and a banana every day, or almost every day. Since it’s apple season, our fridge is full of them. We often have bananas in the house because they are quick and easy and portable and our two year old thinks they’re great. (She also likes apples. I had to bribe her today after MOPs with an apple sice just to get her to get her coat on.)Have both. Eat up. Bananas are also great because they are nice and sweet. (They’re also great for my banana bread and banana chocolate chip cookies.)
Is having a couple of Peanut butter & Jam/Banana sandwiches a week bad for you?
Q: I use a tablespoon of JIF crunchy peanut butter (100 calories) and a tablespoon of sugarless jam (20 calories) on whole wheat bread (150 calories) or an average sized banana (about 80-90 calories) My concern is the 10 grams of fat it contains. Should i cut these out?Yeah, they are always served as meals.
A: It really depends on what else you are eating. Eating these sandwiches as a meal on their own is FINE!!! Don’t worry about the tiny amount of fat in them. But if you are eating them between meals, then that is probably a bit too much – would be better to have just the banana between meals.
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