How many calories are in egg whites

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are in egg whites”,you can compare them.

There are 16 calories in the raw, fresh egg white of one large egg. Thank you, ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in egg whites
There are on average seventeen calories in one large egg white but no cholestral.
one large egg white has 17 calories. one cup of egg whites has 117 calories. you can find out the calories on almost anything if you check out this website… listed as my source
16 calories.

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How many calories in egg whites?
Q: I just hard boiled 6 eggs, but only ate the eggs whites. They were extra large eggs. How many calories did I eat?
A: Based on one large egg: Egg White – 17 caloriesso you ate 102 calories
How many calories are in 8 egg whites?
Q: I make scrambled eggs on my frying pan with PAM or some fat free/ low cal cooking spray. I only use egg whites and I make about eight of them because if you’ve ever had egg whites, you’d know like two egg whites doesn’t make jack. so could someone tell me how many calories are in eight egg whites, or just in one egg white alone? thanks! I’ll reward best.
A: Its about 17 calories in a single egg white so approximately 136 give or take a calorie in 8 egg whites.GL
how many… Calories in egg whites?
Q: say if i cracked 3 medium sized eggs to get all the egg whites out of them n cooked them how many calories would they be? thanks
A: Based on one large egg: Egg White – 17 calories.Egg whites are very low in calories, have no fat, no cholesterol, and are loaded with protein. The egg white is less likely than the yolk to harbor dangerous salmonella, but due to the health risks that raw eggs present, consumption is highly discouraged by medical experts.
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