How many calories are in one cup of cooked brown rice

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are in one cup of cooked brown rice”,you can compare them.

There are 216 calories in one cup of brown rice, long-grain, cooked. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in one cup of cooked brown rice
How many calories are in one cup cooked brown rice?
There are about 216 Calories for 1 Cup.
How many calories are in one cup of cooked brown basmati rice??
One cup(200 gm) of cooked Brown Basmati Rice contains 205 Calories.
How many calories in one cup of brown rice?
There are 217 total calories in one cup of brown rice.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories are in one cup of brown rice?
Q: I was SO hungry, and I did really well on diet, exercise and water today. But I was so hungry I ate a cup of brown rice with some boneless skinless chicken pieces and two tablespoons of sweet and sour sauce. I know the chicken and the sauce combined was 170 calories. How many are in the brown rice? The package said 1/4 cup dry is the serving size, but I fixed it according to the directions which called for one cup of dry rice. I ate one cup of COOKED rice.
A: There are 216 in a one cup serving. The great thing is that you had a lot of fiber and lots of great vitamins. You made a great choice! Have you discovered It is a free site that helps you keep track of the food that you eat and the calories you have burned plus your weight. It is a great tool for weight loss. Keep up the great work!!
How many calories are in a cup of cooked brown rice? Label says 1/4 cup is 170 cals, Dried?
A: 200 is in one cup of cooked rice.Its volume increases because it absorbs water, but uf there’s 200 grains in 1/4 cup dry, there is still 200 grains in 3/4-1 cup (it depends on the brand. 200 cals is just general but it shouldn’t be more than 230)
How many calories in a 1/4 cup brown rice when it is cook?
Q: i need some serious answers because im on a weight lose journey right now, and i’m watching the calories of the food i take. Thanks!
A: 54 cal
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