How many calories are in one cup of grapes

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are in one cup of grapes”,you can compare them.

For a 1/2 cup of grapes there are 56.8 calories. I would say there is about 103 calories per cup. WOW! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in one cup of grapes
How many calories in one cup of grapes?
Calories in one cup of grapes There are: ・ Approx 64 calories in 1 cup of American type (slip skin) green or red grapes ・ Approx 114 calories in 1 cup of European type green or red seedless grapes. ・ Approx 2 calories in 1 American typ…
How many calories in red grapes?
I havent done a search for calorie content but I can tell you grapes are very high on the glycemic index and cherries or strawberries are a better choice if your trying to lose weight
How many calories in half a cup of grapes?
Calories in half a cup of grapes There are : ・ Approx 57 calories in a half-cup of European type red or green seedless grapes ・ Approx 32 calories in a half-cup of American type (slip skin) red or green grapes.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories are in one cup of grapes?
Q: Thanks.
A: 1 cup seedless grapes 110 calories.
How many calories are in a cup of grapes?
Q: I was just wondering 🙂
A: 100 calories
How many calories are in green grapes per cup?
A: 106 With Seeds110 Without
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