How many calories is in coffee

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories is in coffee”,you can compare them.

Calories in coffee (filtered) is 2 calories per cup (8 fl. oz), if you add sugar or milk, the calorie count will be up. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories is in coffee
There is considerable confusion over the caloric content of coffee. Not all coffee drinks are high in calories. Coffee – without additives – is almost a zero-calorie drink. Here is a complete guide to understanding coffee calories. Coffee i…
・ 1 Drinking plain coffee does not add many calories to your daily allotment. Black coffee, filtered coffee… ・ 2 Adding cream, sugar, milk or non-dairy creamer to coffee can significantly increase the amount of calories… ・ 3 Ordering co…
There is considerable confusion over the caloric content of coffee. Not all coffee drinks are high in calories. Coffee – without additives – is almost a zero-calorie drink. Here is a complete guide to understanding coffee calories.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories does coffee have in it without milk?
Q: How many calories do you think 1 and a half teaspoons of coffee have in it without the milkand how much weight will i gain?
A: A cup of coffee is about two calories. Isn’t that great?!
How many calories in coffee?
Q: I have coffee made from whole organic beans straight from a coffee maker. A bit of frothy skim milk on top and thats it.How many calories in one cup?
A: There are usually no more than 2 calories in a cup of coffee. Awesome, huh? So the only calories you need to worry about are those from the skim milk!
How many calories does black coffee with sugar have?
Q: Well i’ve started drinking black coffee since this morning cause i want to start drinking less sugar so like i always drink coffee i’ve decided to take things that already have sugar in them off.i only put about 1-2 tsp. of sugar.but then again i need to know how many calories it has cause im keeping track on them so i don’t want to go off track.and yes i’ve already tried the internet many times so now i want to ask.if you can give me an answer and help that will be awesome.thanks.
A: 5 calories for black coffee19 calories for white coffee (little semi-skimmed milk added)Just how many calories are we talking about? I searched a few sites and the number of calories for an espresso varied between 1 and 5 calories. A mug of brewed coffee was between 2 and 9 calories. Because I tend to put more authority behind websites with a cleaner design, I’m going to use the numbers over on CalorieKing.
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