How many times a day is healthy to poop

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How many times a day is healthy to poop”,you can compare them.

Two times a day is a healthy amount of times. Thanks for using ChaCha! Any more questions? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many times a day is healthy to poop
How many times a day a healthy cat should poop??
Depends on what they are eating. A cat eating a diet of commercial grocery store brand dry food will go a lot during the day and it will probably be a large volume and really soft. This is because there’s so much junk they can’t use in th…
How many times a day should a healthy tortoise poop??
well it all depends on the feeding schedule of your pet and what you feed him, it is hard to say. but if you just began feeding him/her and he/she started pooping a lot, i suggest you stop. but if he/she is acting odd then take it to a vet …
Is it healthy to poop 15 times a day?
No, and if you are serious and didn’t write this to try to be funny, you should see a doctor.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many times a day should a healthy person poop?
Q: I’m asking because my friend only poops 3 times a week! I usually go twice a day and I was wondering if there was a target number.
A: Once or twice a day depending upon your diet.
(Details inside) How many times a day is a healthy dog supposed to poop?
Q: My dog is an 8 year old medium sized mutt.She’s currently eating LAMS Mini Chunks Proactive HealthShe’s pooping 2-3 times a day (normal, hard poop)This is normal, right?She’s 30 pounds if it matters.
A: That is within the range of normal, yes. A higher quality food with less indigestible fillers (like corn, wheat, soy, beet pulp, and animal byproducts) would decrease frequency and amount. One of mine poops once a day, one twice.
how many times a day should a healthy tortoise poop?
Q: I know its an odd question but I’m worried about my tortoise.
A: well it all depends on the feeding schedule of your pet and what you feed him, it is hard to say. but if you just began feeding him/her and he/she started pooping a lot, i suggest you stop. but if he/she is acting odd then take it to a vet if it prolongs over 3 days.i say 3 days because it could just come and go.
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