How much fiber is in a banana

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How much fiber is in a banana”,you can compare them.

There are 3 grams of fiber in a medium size banana. It also has 105 calories and 27 grams of carbs. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much fiber is in a banana
I belive its about 2 grams, i think i read somewhere
A banana has 0.5 grams o fiber per 100 grams of edible portion.
it’s true, bananas are high in fiber, but bananas are very binding too and lack lots of water, so it sticks to everything and slows everything down. the beneficial part is, after bananas are passed, your colon is cleaner because the fibers …

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How much Fiber is in a Banana?
Q: My mom always told me that Banana’s would constipate you, but now that I am a Mother, I hear that Banana’s are a good source of fiber. Whats right?
A: it’s true, bananas are high in fiber, but bananas are very binding too and lack lots of water, so it sticks to everything and slows everything down.the beneficial part is, after bananas are passed, your colon is cleaner because the fibers were around for much longer and with more pressure, if you don’t mind prolonged bowel movements
How much dietary fiber is in a banana?
A: 4 grams in one medium banana.I just did a search for nutrition facts.
how do you make glass from banana fiber?
Q: is it posible? if it is how?if its imposible why did some people made glass out from the peelings of rice?
A: Glass is made from sillica, which is found in sand. It is impossible to make glass from plants. They don’t contain enough sillica. Find us some evidence to support your rice-glass claims.
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