How much water should the average person drink per day

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You should drink a total of eight glasses of water per day. Each glass should contain eight ounces of water. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much water should the average person drink per day
How much water should the average person drink per day?
Popular culture is loaded with myths and half-truths. Most are harmless. But when doctors start believing medical myths, perhaps it’s time to worry. In the British Medical Journal this week, researchers looked into several common misconcept…
How Much Water Would A Average Person Drink?
For example, if you weighed 150 lbs., consider that as 150 ounces and you SHOULD drink 1/2 of that, which would be 75 ounces a day. The standard 8 glasses a day does not apply anymore.
How much water is an average person to drink in a day??
It used to be 8. Now its 10 to 12. I have to drink 3 liters of water a day for medical reasons and its the hardest thing to do.

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How much water should the average person drink per day?
A: Popular culture is loaded with myths and half-truths. Most areharmless. But when doctors start believing medical myths, perhaps it’stime to worry. In the British Medical Journal this week, researcherslooked into several common misconceptions, one of them being thebelief that a person should drink eight glasses of water per day. “Wegot fired up about this because we knew that physicians accepted thesebeliefs and were passing this information along to their patients,”said Dr. Aaron Carroll, assistant professor of pediatrics at theIndiana University School of Medicine. “And these beliefs arefrequently cited in the popular media.” Myth: You should drink atleast eight glasses of water a day. Fact: “There is no medicalevidence to suggest that you need that much water,” said Dr. RachelVreeman, a pediatrics research fellow at the university and co-authorof the journal article. Vreeman thinks this myth can be traced back toa 1945 recommendation from the Nutrition Council that a person consumethe equivalent of 8 glasses (64 ounces) of fluid a day. Over theyears, “fluid” turned to water. But fruits and vegetables, plus coffeeand other liquids, count.
what is the average water consumption per person usage per day???
Q: well, just as the question stated above, what is the average water consumption per person usages per day??what i mean by “water consumption” is NOT how much water per person drink, but how much water per person USE daily on average…..i am looking for the average water consumption per person usages per day(how much per person use daily) for various countries…….besides, what is the bare minimum water usages for a typical person??also, i would like to know what contamination constitutes in the hostel wastewater and all the possible alternatives to reduce and conserve water usage in the hostel……do anyone out there has the information or websites concerning the questions that i want???
A: For your first question, it depends on the area of the world. I don’t think you’ll find an average for worldwide consumption. For instance, in Palm Springs, California (which is in the desert) families consume 1400 gallons of water a day: the entire USA, one site said “101 gallons per capita (person) per day (gpcd), for both indoor and outdoor water use in a single-family residence.” site, from the U.K. gives litres per day of domestic water consumption: don’t know the answer to your second question.
If the average person drinks 8, (8oz) glasses of water per day, a person who drinks 12.8 oz of water after?
Q: If the average person drinks 8, (8oz) glasses of water per day, a person who drinks 12.8 oz of water after a morning exercise session has consumed what fraction of the daily average? A. 1/3 B. 1/5 C. 1/7 D. 1/9 E. 1/10pleass explane ???
A: B. 1/5
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